#Kiss 114: No Many Belongings, But Contented

in The MINIMALIST8 months ago
           **Albert Einstein**

"Make things as simple as possible but no simpler"
This is one of my best quotes from my role model. Living a minimalist life is the best choice of lifestyle one can ever make. It doesn't matter if one hails from a poor or rich background, minimalist lifestyle is a thing of choice. One can choose to live a life of extravagance or a simple life. Ever since I tried a minimalist life and tasted its beauty, that spirit of contentment and self-control has made me a changed person. I just got to find out about the #kiss prompt this morning and I decided to have my entry. I have many reasons why I chose to be a minimalist for life but according to the prompt, "What are your top three reasons for choosing minimalism? Illustrate your choices with some snapshots of your daily life!" I will be sharing just three here.

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Ever since my father's demise, I have been living with my elder brother who has always been trying his best to provide some of my essential needs. Being the last child of the family, he takes me like as his first child. He has sponsored my academic study since from the secondary level now to the tertiary. But things are changing every day, time is ticking, my brother is now a married man and he is now a father of two. He now has a lot of responsibilities to sort out. The question I now ask myself is how do I help this man out? I know he is trying his best to make me succeed in life and at the same time keep his family alive. So how do I help him in the possible way I can? Helping my brother as power can reach is a major reason why I need to adapt to this minimalist lifestyle.

I need to manage everything I have. Self-contentment is my rocket, it keeps me moving. I get contented with everything he gives to me and I don't envy my friends who buy expensive dressings or phones and Smart watches. I just love myself and what I have.

I am a student and in the school environment, daily expenses are a normal thing. Last week, our course representative dropped the list of books and practical manuals we need for the semester and the prices for each of them.


This is another embargo for me. One of the ways I try to help my brother financially is by taking up some expenses for myself. With the little rewards I obtain from this blockchain and other little earnings I gain from other tasks-paying sites, I save them in case of school expenses such as this so I won't have to bother my brother. I now live a life of, "Like but forget", meaning that I sometimes see things I like but I have to forget about them and save the cash for rainy days. School expenses have been a reason why I have to live a simple life.

Since I was a child, I have always been so susceptible to different common infirmities, malaria particularly. My area is a den of mosquitoes, a deadly insect. This is raining season and mosquito breeding time too. My area often suffers floods which can last for days and these mosquitoes come to breed.

Though our house is wet-netted these small creatures still find their way in. Any bite from them can easily make me ill, so I don't spend recklessly because I don't know the day I will fall ill. Currently, I am on malaria drugs because I fell ill yesterday but I'm getting better with the medications I have taken.

I still don't bother my brother with money for these drugs, I try to sort myself out. I try to make do with whatever I have and avoid unnecessary expenses for any emergency illnesses.

Minimalist lifestyle is the best life ever, I'm speaking from experience. My reasons as stated above:" assisting my brother, school expenses and emergency illnesses" have made me adopt this lifestyle and I am a testifier that it's the best life ever. I cut down my spendings and make do with the little things I have.

Thanks for reading.
This is my entry in response to the #kiss prompt #114.
To know more about #kiss, check it out HERE


The need to meet life's demands is a significant pointer to live minimally. There are expenses we should not worry others by being prudent with the resources we are given and gifted.

Hopefully you can stay safe or have a mosquito net even though the weather is harsh.

Hope you recuperate fast and well.

Thanks so much for such helpful comments.
About the mosquito nets, we have them already at the door and windows, but whenever we open the doors, the little creatures sneak in.

Alright, hope you get a way around it then

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