Without confusing the concepts

in The MINIMALISTlast month


From my perspective, everything that is balanced resembles perfection, I say it resembles perfection because perfection does not exist. We are in a society in which many of us like to go to extremes and these are quite dangerous, so much so that a basic concept is confused and given the wrong connotation.

Minimalism is a lifestyle that promotes peace, it always tries to make us enjoy the simple things and not to carry unnecessary burdens. It is a lifestyle that reduces our stress and gives way to a broader vision of those little things that make us feel happy but that we usually overlook because we are so busy or simply because we have not sharpened this way of seeing life.


Starting from the basic concept of what it is to be minimalist, I do not consider that there is something very minimalist because this would already rest on another aspect with a totally different concept. For example, conformism many tend to call it minimalism but this is totally far from reality. Being minimalist is a completely different style than being a conformist. Minimalist people prioritize quality before quality and if it is within our reach we give our tastes, that has absolutely nothing wrong, we want to enjoy life but always based on the fact that above all we feel peace.


There is another factor that can also affect non-minimalists. They may claim that we are cold or that we don't care about an important event because we don't give so much attention to a decoration and everything that society flaunts, however, they are also wrong on a very delicate point. Of course we like to share, however, we are more concerned about human warmth and real sharing that we avoid spending so much energy and resources to extremely decorate a place without giving the genuine importance to the primordial.

From my perspective, I do not consider that there is something too minimalist, only that there is enough ignorance regarding this concept that can lead many to reach wrong conclusions. Minimalism is minimalism and that's it, if there is someone who wants to go to the extreme is already falling into another lifestyle that bears another name and has nothing to do with minimalism. I think it is necessary that we always document ourselves well about the concept of the lifestyle we lead to avoid confusion.


I write my point of view with a lot of love and respect, I understand that some will not agree with me and of course that is ok, we are so different, that gives color to life as long as we are reasonable and respect the point of view of others even if we do not agree.




The photos are my own taken with a Realme 7i.



This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.

It is always a pleasure for me to share in this community 🌻 💫

Greetings 🥰.

Everyone surely have different perspective to a matter and that's what makes us different. I love the aspect where you clearly stated the confusion people have about minimalism.

That's right, there is a lot of confusion, but little by little these confusions are being cleared up when you take a closer look at our lifestyle.

Thank you very much for your appreciation 🌻
Greetings 🥰.

You are welcome.

Exactly, the world judges the one who is different. It's strange to the masses. But as long as we know that true value is in people and not in things, we can go on with a light soul. Greetings

That's what it's all about, to feel light and at peace. The simplest things are the ones that are really worthwhile.

Thank you very much for your appreciation 🌻 💫