Minimalism is an extraordinary lifestyle because it allows me to enjoy what really matters in life. Those little things that we neglect because we focus on what people will say or simply on unnecessary ornaments. It doesn't take much to be happy, but the stereotypes sold to us by advertising and trends make it seem impossible to be content with the bare necessities. However, it is possible to rise above a whole world of make-up and be yourself. Minimalist living took me out of that world of masks. Although there are many reasons why I like to live a minimalist life, here are three.
One of the most important reasons why I adopted a minimalist life was because of my inner peace, which to tell you the truth I wouldn't trade for anything. Being a minimalist I am calmer because I am not overwhelmed by doing many things at once, I simply go at my own pace. Of course, this requires order and to establish my priorities I always focus on my peace.

If I am doing something that robs me of my peace, I just get rid of it. However, there are things that can not be left undone even if they overwhelm us a little, in these cases I try to see what is essential and put it on a list, I try to do on time what I have to do to avoid stress. Order is fundamental in this, so I make an effort to do things on time and avoid delays that later rob me of my peace.

Another reason why I chose this style is because it gives me freedom. I feel without mental ties, it allows me to enjoy my spontaneity, my essence. I don't go around looking for validation from other people but I think about how I feel and this is extraordinary. I love freedom and when I talk about it, I mean doing the things I like without thinking about what is politically correct, of course, as long as this freedom is based on respect for others. If somewhere they consider a particular practice in bad taste but for me there is nothing wrong with it, I avoid doing it out of respect for others and maybe someone will tell me that I am depriving myself of my freedom but it is not so, because peace is priceless.

The third reason why I live my life in a minimalist way is that it allows me to enjoy what really matters. Spending quality time with my family, making real friendships, enjoying nature to the fullest, all these activities nourish my heart, give me a sense of accomplishment and better yet bring me happiness. I am a simple woman who wholeheartedly desires to be at ease living a beautiful life that focuses on true beauty because only then does my existence make sense.