Greetings to everyone, on this new MUSICAL MONDAY, an initiative created by @eugelys, where we can share our experiences and musical tastes, which is super cool especially for those of us who love music, although not we are musicians.

Hasn't it happened to you that you really like a band or a singer, and they suddenly disappoint you with an album of lower quality than what you were used to? It has happened to me a few times, and one of those times it happened to me with the Spanish pop band LA UNIÓN. I loved this group in my early adolescence and early adulthood, but it was really disappointing how they progressively lost the magic, I don't know what happened to them, they lost the charm of their first productions.

I remember that I loved LA UNION's songs. I heard many times (and also sang some of them) songs like “Living East of Eden”, “Wolf Man in Paris”, “Where you were (in the bad times)”“” or “Maracaibo”… but suddenly that magic, (which in honor of the truth was not completely constant), it disappeared...

I remember that in 1996 I was very excited when I found out that LA UNION had released a new album, "Hiperespacio", so I decided to purchase it, although I did it on cassette, this one you see here, which I bought in a mini disco store that existed in my town, (unfortunately it had to close years ago). Fortunately I did not invest more money in purchasing the compact disc or the vinyl, (I think this production was also marketed in those presentations), because the disappointment would have hurt me more, hahahaha.

The design of the cover is great, with the three members of the band posing with a cool look, the graphic concept of the songbook that was inserted in the cassette is also very striking, but the disappointment occurred when I heard the songs..., I couldn't believe! They were too basic, they had a very funky rhythm, which I don't like, and the lyrics were not good at all... Anyway, there are some melodies that are redeemable, and those are precisely the ones I will share today. With that said, let's get to my songs.

Mis canciones para este Musical Monday / My songs for this Musical Monday
The first song I share is Juan Valiente , which is the third track on side 1 of the album. I like its melody a little more about this song, because the lyrics narrate the final day of a pair of robbers who decide to rob a bank. However, it must be recognized that there is a very good execution of the instruments, even though the song be very funky. Here I leave you the official video.

My next song is “El Fuego y el Amor”, a song in which the voice of Rafa Sánchez, the group's vocalist, returns to the brilliance it had in previous productions. I also like the melody of this song better, and the lyrics, although simple, have great strength and a very interesting poetic beauty, which strangely alludes to suicide for love. Here I also leave you the official video.

And now finishing my trilogy for this Musical Monday, I share with you a song that, in addition to a funky rhythm, has hints of flamenco, and it is “Ande yo Caliente”. I like the rhythm of this song, and the lyrics seem good to me, even, for me it has some phrases that are a gem, see: I will not sacrifice / the days in advance / I will sacrifice / memories of the past time</ b>... wise words.

Este ha sido mi participación de esta semana para esta estupenda iniciativa de @eugelys, compartiendo con todos ustedes el disco (en formato cassette), que menos me gusta, de la banda LA UNIÓN

- Las fotos incluidas en este post, son de mi propiedad, y fueron tomadas con mi teléfono inteligente Redmi A9 // The photos included in this post are my property and were taken with my Redmi A9 smartphone.
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Todo el contenido, (excepto los enlaces de YouTube y los divisores), es de mi propiedad y está sujeto a derechos de autor // All content (except YouTube links and dividers), is my property and subject to copyrigh

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