This Bodybuilding Dilemma

in Actifit2 months ago (edited)

Before talking about these two decisions it'd be nice to first of all mention the guys who say they don't want to build muscles because they're scared of becoming too big.

Those guys are the funniest guys. Because, do you know how difficult it is to be big not to talk or being too big?

It's like saying you're scared of making money because you don't want to be too rich. LOL. Achievable but not a cake walk at all.

Now, for the dilemma about the type of physique you should build for, even though it's quite in your power, it's mostly decided for you by your body type/genes.

When you're more of the lean type, getting bigger and looking bigger with your clothes off can be impossibly difficult. And vice versa.

But when it comes to choosing,looking big in clothes gotta be the most important. Because how would you have a body you got through some devily hardwork and no one can ever know until you take off your clothes?

That's gotta suck.

A lot of the benefits that come with being muscular, asides the health benefits, only comes when your muscles are noticeable.

How do people admire and respect you when they can't see your hard work?

One of the main reasons I work out is so that I would never look like an easy target. So that people would look at me and immediately know that I can dish out consequences. Lol.

And no, this doesn't mean I'm about violence, because this would even make me live my life without having to fight.

When I was a young kid people were fond of picking on me, because I looked really gentle and innocent, but it was a trap. Sometimes I think about it and all I can feel for those people is pity.

My looks trapped them into thinking they could mess with me, meanwhile even though I was an innocent looking child I was deadlier than a tiger. People get drawn to pick on me and when they do they leave with swollen faces and bleeding noses and mouths. Lol.

I used to beat the fuck outta bullies. Bullies way bigger and older than me, and I didn't just won the fights I dealt serious injuries.

I still pity them because it was a trap, I was just nature's perfect trap. If I didn't look that sweet they wouldn't have tried it, and why the hell did nature hide a beast in such a sweet face?😅

But since I started building muscles people have stopped picking on me I've not had to fight in over a decade.

Not looking like an easy target has to be very important. I've been to some really dangerous neighborhoods and it was nothing. I've lived in places where people got robbed and never got robbed. Maybe I'm just lucky? 🤦🏾‍♂️

So, building to look bigger in clothes is where the party at. You can decide not to over do it and to make yourself have some shreds on top of that, but the fundamental thing should always remain looking big in clothes.

The End

Source of cover photo

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