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RE: That Slow September Crawl

in Discovery-it4 months ago

I'm not heavy into ZING so I'm not sure. Hopefully the game does well and you make out like a bandit! I think taking out the thousand to catch cheap Hive is smart, hopefully it won't go below sixteen but some are talking about a dime. Let's hope not!

Treasure hunting is a lot of luck, some skill but mostly pure, blind luck. There are buried caches of coins just about everywhere in the world, even here in the US. You just need a detector, some research if that applies to something you want to look for. and then a lot luck and sweat!


The US is so big the chances are so astronomical I would think. I have buys in at $.16 and $.14. I might pull some more out and put in buys at $.12 and $.10 too. I hope to be sitting on a pretty fat stack if HIVE goes back over $1. I'm not holding my breath though.