I have mixed feelings about AI art, it can be handy when you want to create a quick faunny image to send in a chart or for a meme, but when people us it to create photo like images and share them as if they had taken them not so sure about that
and I maybe old school, when we had a scvhool project to write a piece about some historical period, or a review of a book, or any other writing project, we had to actuallt read and research and put our own words and thoughts into it
Seeign eople using Ai to do those sort of things for school projects, doesnt seem wrong to me as such but I do feel the students are cheatign themselves in that they are not learning anything just letting Ai do the thinking for them, so hence the ones they are cheating the most are themselves
OHh an di know the post from your point was not about whether its right or wrong, and you also make a good point about its OK to disagree, sadly for so many these days they dont feel that way
Fiddle sounds cool but I barely keep up with twhat I do now so are resisting the urge to chekc it out