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RE: Big Big Moves

in Discovery-it10 days ago

The wealth disparity thing is well out of hand. The gap between regular employees and CEOs has got much wider in recent years. I'm not against people being rewarded for their efforts, but there's limits to what you can really spend. Wealth is being hoarded whilst millions struggle to get by. The rich are buying up property so it becomes unaffordable. I know the opinions of some here on taxes, but they can be used to redress the balance a bit. It may go the other way in the US with the rich getting away with more from what I've heard.


Yeah, it's getting pretty horrible. Like you said too, you are never going to use that much money. At some point there becomes no point.

Some people are using their wealth to get political power as they seem to think they know what's best, but business and politics are different.

For sure!