As far as land in Splinterlands I also own only 5 plots. My plan is to simply let them convert into what ever they auto-convert into then use the market to swap for grain the resources they would earn to feed my land workers. I do not plan on selling the land, if Splinterlands is successful it could become a good long term investment.
Good job on running a real validator node and not just a check-in for rewards deal. I heard Monstermarket can also configure you an API for your node, not sure if it is worth the cost, but it should get you more votes. Managed to find you a couple more votes to get you over the 2 million SPS votes mark and moved you up to the 65th spot :)
Also, there is an option on Monstermarket to make it a one-click vote for people to vote for your validator. Here is my validator vote link for example:
Just substitute your validator name for seattlea and you are good to go.