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RE: Corporate Greed Strikes Again

in Discovery-it3 months ago

You say that usually it is the case when one bigger corporation buys a smaller one that the customers benefit in some way. I would argue this is almost never the case. The steady march towards monopoly only benefits shareholders and upper management. They might throw some scraps at customers in order to gain support or drum up excitement, but that's all they are: scraps.

Anyway, I'm sorry to hear about the shitty situation there. I hope you guys can figure out a solution.


Yeah, that is probably the case. I was just trying to be a bit optimistic since my post yesterday was mostly ranting and doom and gloom. We have been cut over for about six months now and it has been great. I was going to wait and make it a summer project, but the process was so easy, I had it done in less than a week with some late nights.