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RE: While I Play My Shamisen - Exploring a Traditional Instrument ・Three Tune Tuesday

in Discovery-it4 months ago

Sakura means cherry blossom. That's why they are surrounded by the cherry blossom trees in that video. It can be used as a personal name sometimes (only for girls) so that may be how it's being used in your game name.

Shogun was good? Great to hear! I still haven't gotten around to it, but I will. The Japanese are really happy that most things are fairly accurate. The story is a bit of a scratch of course, but most of the other culture things and the language is fairly accurate. Almost every Japanese review is mentioning those things.


That's cool that they did such a good job with it. I still have the rest of the season to watch yet. Thanks for the info on Sakura, that makes a lot of sense!