Great post and great photos. The post brings back so many memories. I remember the first camera my dad got was a gift from a good friends who had returned from his trip to Russia. It was all in Russian, including the manual and we probably never used all its advantages. But it was a good camera which took a lot of our childhood photos. At the time buying point and shoot sleek cameras were in vogue, as they were economical and very small, but we did not have the disposable income for it.
Source: Image pointed to is in the the following blog site and post :
Another thing I remember from those days is that film, and processing, being costly my dad had one simple rule. He did not mind us kids using the camera to click photos when on vacation or during parties, but we had to have at least one human being in the shot.
So when I tried weird shots of plants out of focus or eggs under light, he was not a happy camper :D
It was a fun camera though and if things had not gone digital I might have learned how to process the print to try and keep using it.
Thanks for the memories mate.