Teenage Angst

in Discovery-it2 months ago


I'm pretty sure in another life I was a teenage girl, but not for the reasons you are probably thinking (I'll get to that in a bit). I have a feeling if I was, I probably wasn't anywhere near as talented or popular as each of my nieces are. All four of them are pretty much the best. Now my oldest niece (pictured above) has a daughter of her own, and I can't help but wonder what her life is going to be like as she grows up in this new world.

The things kids these days deal with are pretty crazy. I'm not going to say they are worse than what we grew up with in the 80's, but I feel like the emotions are much bigger than they were back then. Plus yes, some of the issues in general are also much different.

If you have been following me for a while, you know that I work in a public school district. Students got the day off today. They are calling for temps with windchill in the -20 F range, which is pretty dang cold. Since we are a public school, funding from the state is pretty sad, so we have a number of buildings that struggle to stay heated even on normal days. Nevermind when the polar vortex comes strolling through.

There's a good chance we will be closed tomorrow as well.

But anyway, like many districts, we have things in place to help ensure the mental and emotional well being of our students. Some might call it spying, it's really not as intrusive as that. I call it monitoring. We own the device and the account after all. In fact, we have been lucky enough to get ahead of a couple of situations that may have ended much worse thanks to this monitoring.

Most of the stuff is just kids being kids, but then there are other times when you just have to scratch your head at the stuff you see. The things these kids say to each other I never would have thought to say to another student back in the day. It's honestly beyond perverse.

But again, I digress. If you hadn't noticed, it's Tuesday. That means this post is going to be a #threetunetuesday post sponsored by @ablaze. Due to a series of events which I will get to in a second, my theme this week is "teenage angst".

So let's get to it!

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Again, if you have been following me for a while, this is going to be a really familiar scenario for you. I was driving to work the other day with @mrsbozz and we had John Mayer's Sirius/XM station on called Life with John Mayer. While many of the songs on the station are his, he also plays songs from artists he enjoys, or songs that really move him.

It was right as I was pulling into the parking lot at work that he played the song "Messy" by Lola Young. I was immediately drawn in to the song, not just because John Mayer said he liked it, but this song is an absolute banger. It starts out really slow, kind of with a "Every Breath You Take" vibe with that driving bass line, but then it moves into that angsty kind of teen sound that I like.

As I said above, I think I must have been an angsty teen in a different life. I actually can't remember being angsty in this life. It's not like I was laying around listening to The Smith's all day or anything like that.

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Given the fact that I like other artists like Lana Del Rey, Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Olivia Rodrigo, and Sabrina Carpenter, it doesn't shock me too much that I was so drawn to Lola Young. I took a deep dive into her music and I actually discovered that she has been around for a bit, but after her first album she was just releasing singles here and there until her more recent album called This Wasn't Meant For You Anyway.

In case you couldn't figure it out from her voice, Lola hails from Beckenham South London. Though born in 2001, she got started with her music career in 2013 participating in open mic competitions in the UK (thanks Wikipedia).

It wasn't until 2018 that she had her first breakthrough in the music business with that first album I mentioned above. It appears part of the reason for the big gap between 2018 and 2024 had to do with Covid. Shocker there right?

Either way, Lola has easily made it to my list of following artists and I look forward to seeing what else she comes out with in the future.

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Speaking of teenage angst, if you like Lana Del Rey who I mentioned above, you should really take some time to dive into Suki Waterhouse. "Gateway Drug" is just one example of the many great songs she has. I actually discovered Suki from my Spotify playlists. I was listening to either Lana or Taylor and when that album finished, it started playing various other stuff for me.

Suki just happened to be one of those songs.

Waterhouse was born in Hammersmith London (apparently I have a thing for English girls), and her career actually started with modeling and acting. She's been in a quite a few movies including the Divergent series which many of you may know.

There is a good chance you may have already heard her song "Good Looking" as it became pretty popular in 2017.

While neither of the ladies I covered above are currently teenagers, their music resonates pretty deeply with them. I've reached out to one of my other nieces recently and we had a long talk about both Suki and Lola. Who they remind us of, what we like, what we don't. Stuff like that.

Anyway, if you feel like exploring your moody teenage years, you might want to check some of these artists out.

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


I kind of feel like when I was a kid, schools never called for -20, which happened more often back then. I remember sitting in the classroom in my coat and hat because it was so cold, but we were there! Hah, but old man complaints aside, it is better for the kids for them to call it when it's that cold, so good for them!

Interesting songs. I'm not familiar with either of those artists. I do need to make more of an effort to listen to recent music.

I don't usually listen to new music by choice. I don't hate it when it is sprung on me like this though. I just remember more snow back in the day, I don't remember the brutal cold temps like this. I feel like the polar vortex is just something we started seeing the last couple of decades. I could be wrong though.

I don't know, it seems like it was cold as hell and we also had tons of snow for all of winter, not the snow/melt cycle that happens all winter these days. But yeah, I could be wrong. Memory is funny that way. I do think I've read the polar vortex is a recent phenomenon caused by climate change.

You could be right. I don't remember things as well as I used to either!

any dance floor filler

These are good bops

Wow, that is insanely cold! The Fahrenheit measurement always confuses me, just seems overly complicated compared to Celsius. Freezing at 0 degree, boiling at 100 degrees. Doubt any meaningful study would be possible in those conditions.

I don't disagree with you at all. I didn't think it would be so bad in my office, but it is freezing in here!

Was trying to check out post but it’s empty? At least from here? ⬇️


Lola Young is an interesting one. That first one does start like Every Breath You Take, then a surprise change of pace. Suki is talented and I think I heard of her from one of your posts if I'm not mistaken. Those were fun!

Keep warm, too cold for my blood! And keep spying (monitoring lol) on those kids. Gotta catch the crazy ones early, and there seem to be a lot more crazy ones now than when I was a kid...

There definitely is. It's a never ending battle. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with the discipline or any of that. The parents are worse than the kids many times!

Oh snap! I had one of Suki’s songs in a post. While back! They play her on the collage alt indie station all the time! It was this one that’s on my playlist. 🎸

I feel like this artist would fit right in too!

Never heard of the second one, I will check her out.

I told my lady 6 months ago this chick Suki Waterhouse would be on mainstream radio and blow up commercially within a year. She told me yesterday it’s happening!


Ah Hammersmith, I used to work there for Bechtel an American company.
The teenage bozzgirl produced new songs for me today!

Are those decent areas? I don't know too much about the boroughs of London.

I'm giving this three a try

And here I am complainign about the cold here, and its no way as bad as you have it there


It's even worse out west. I am just glad we aren't seeing -50 like Minnesota!

How do people survive in those conditions

I don't even know!

I feel like the pressure and emotions we deal with are so much bigger now.

That's very possible!

I was more of a heavy metal guy in my teenage years. However, this is some good music. Thanks for sharing. As far as the stuff kids do and say these days, I tend to agree. My sons started talking about and knew things at a much younger age than I ever knew about them if you know what I mean. As far as the cold, it just seems to be getting ridiculously cold these days. I remember going to school when it was cold and wearing coats in class like @dbooster described, but I just don't remember it being freaking Siberia cold...haha.

Yeah, it really blows my mind some of the things kinds are dealing with these days. They also seem to be a lot more open about stuff too, which isn't a bad thing, but it's shocking! Try to stay warm!

Lola Young and Suki Waterhouse are such great picks—totally get the moody, angsty vibe. Definitely adding these to my playlist!😊

I'm glad you enjoyed them!

I love Lana Del Rey too. Also good new Trump meesed up their excutive order on what classifies ad male and female. Their wording makes everyone female now!

Haha, too funny. Guess I am good to go no matter what life I am in!

Facts we are all just people

As a teenager I will definitely be listening to these artists. For me listening to music that is made with a lot of feelings that I have aswell helps me cope and see that it’s normal to feel like this. It makes everything seem more okay and more doable. So thank you for the recommendations

My pleasure.



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