I've been mentioning for a while now that @mrsbozz and I are going to be heading to Denver Colorado for a bit to watch our niece take part in a softball tournament that is taking place out there. The plan is to spend a couple of days driving out there and then spend about a week in Denver. Then, at the end of our time in Colorado, we will spend another couple of days driving back to Michigan.
With all of that in mind, I wanted to share some songs for this weeks #threetunetuesday that have to do with Colorado and the Rocky Mountains. I'd like to take a moment to thank @ablaze for starting #threetunetuesday. It has been a real pleasure for me to share some of my favorite songs and bands with all of you.
You have to know that if I am writing a post about Colorado, John Denver is going to be included in the post. Personally, I think he was pretty great, though there are others who don't agree so much (more on that in a bit).
When I found out we were coming to Colorado, I started looking online to see how close we were going to be to his nature sanctuary. I remember seeing something about it on a PBS special I watched a long time ago on the life of John Denver. I quickly found it was something like three hours away from where we are staying.
I decided to skip the drive out there. If more people than me were interested, I might make an exception, but with just me being the only one, it doesn't make a lot of sense.
Again, no other song is probably more synonymous with John Denver or Colorado than "Rocky Mountain High". It's a pretty great song and the only time I would honestly have a problem hearing it would be if I am in the airport (thanks a lot Final Destination!).
I get that a lot of people feel like Denver is too soft or hokey, but if you read some of his lyrics, he really was a pretty great poet. Some of his musings on life and nature fit right up there with Henry David Thoreau I think. Feel free to argue with me, you will probably win, I'm not much of a debater.
There really is no other feeling like standing on top of a mountain and watching the eagles and other large birds soar around at the same level as you. It takes your breath away and it isn't just the altitude...
"Annie's Song" is another one of those that is actually a really great poem that he then put to music or vice versa. I also can see why it may not fit the taste of a lot of people. Either they feel that it is too much of a soft pop sound and others feel like it is too pop to actually be considered country.
In fact, there is a clip from one of my favorite movies ever that I am going to share with you. I give you lots of props if you knew what it was before I even shared it. The story told in the clip actually has a bit of truth to it, though later on the people involved were quick to indicate that there were no ill intentions.
I think I will let you decide for yourself...
Ah man, Super Troopers.... If you have never seen it, you really need to do yourself a favor and watch it. @mrsbozz doesn't really care for this type of humor, but I was watching a bit of it the other day and she did giggle at one of the scenes. As for me, I still think it is great and I can quote just about any line by heart from the movie. I've tried to watch the second one, but it honestly isn't as good as the first one. Neither are the other Broken Lizard films either quite honestly.
Finally, for those of you who really can't stand John Denver, I give you Joe Walsh instead. "Rocky Mountain Way" is just a great song that absolutely rocks! I'm not going to go into a lot of detail about why this song was included in this post. If you can't figure it out, I think you might have bigger issues going on quite honestly!
It's quite impressive how much of a muse the Rocky Mountains have become. I think that just goes to show you how powerful nature is. I'm really looking forward to collecting a ton of content to share with you. I have a feeling they are going to be some of my best posts yet. I will let you be the judge though.
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