I honestly can't tell you why my niece was making that face when I took her picture. I have another one I took right after this one where she is smiling quite nicely. I was searching through my photos looking for one that would fit my theme for this weeks #threetunetuesday sponsored by @ablaze and I remembered I had this one.
It's not that often that I put my relatives so front and center on my posts, but I remembered taking this photo and I thought it fit perfectly. Plus she's a cutie, so if that isn't worth some upvotes, I don't know what is!
Today's post is actually inspired by two different songs with the same title that were recorded within a couple years of each other. You might assume one is a cover of the other one, but if you listen to them, you will quickly realize that isn't the case.
As I said, two completely different songs, same title.
It's actually surprising that this doesn't happen more often. Sure, we have "Hello", "All I Want Is You", and "Dreams", but these first two songs are a bit more obscure and unless you are a fan, you may have never heard them.
In case the title and the photo didn't give it away, today's post is all about heartbreak and though my days of teenage love and angst are well behind me, I still occasionally suffer from a broken heart. Like the other day when the Michigan State Spartans lost to the North Carolina Tarheels in the second round of the NCAA tournament.
I also felt a bit of heartbreak a month or two ago when a good friend from my younger years passed away after fighting a long illness. Heartbreak hits in different ways at different times. Sometimes your swimming in it and sometimes you are treading on the edge....
Recorded in 1986, but not released until 1987, Bon Jovi was still a full year ahead of the next band I am going to cover with "On The Edge of a Broken Heart". This song was actually never released commercially as a single, but it did spend a bit of time on some of the alternative charts (not the Billboard Hot 100).
It probably wasn't until Bon Jovi released their 2004 box set "100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can't Be Wrong" that more people became familiar with this song as it was re-released as an iTunes single. It's also available on the special double edition of their greatest hits album Crossroad. Thanks for the background Wiki!
I had always wondered when this song came out versus the next one I am going to share, but I never took the time to actually dig into it. I can no longer claim ignorance and I know that Bon Jovi was the band who was originally "On the Edge of a Broken Heart".
Ah, but then who can forget Vixen. That all girl glam band from the 80's that stole a ton of hearts and likely broke them as well. "On the Edge of a Broken Heart" performed by Vixen was actually written by none other than Richard Marx. It was recorded and released in 1988 as I hinted at above.
Vixen actually has some pretty decent songs if you ever get a chance to dig into their limited number of albums. Many people assume they were a one hit wonder with this being their only hit single, but they also had a song called "Cryin".
Richard Marx was credited as playing keyboards on the studio version of the album. Once again, thank you Wiki for all the info.
If you had asked me, I probably would have guessed this song came out before the Bon Jovi one simply because I was more familiar with it, but I think we all know now that isn't the case.
Personally, I think they are both good jams and I don't know if I would be able to pick one over the other in terms of my favorite. What about you? Do you have a favorite?
I was going to head more in the pop direction for the last song, but then I remembered the song "Broken Heart" by White Lion. While you are probably most familiar with "Radar Love" from this Danish band, they actually have some other really good songs in their catalog.
I highly recommend you check out the full breadth of their work when you get a chance.
"Broken Heart" was recorded and released on their debut album in 1985 beating the other two by a full one to three years. It was also re-released in 1995 on one of their subsequent albums.
I know the contents of this post might be a little depressing today, but sometimes, some of the most creative work can come from a broken heart. Just look at the number of songs there are about it. Heck, the Bee Gees alone probably have at least five. Don't even get me started on Taylor Swift!
It's one of those universal things that we all have to go through at some point or points in our lives and while it usually makes us a better person on the other side, it's pure hell when you are going through it.
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