What Makes Musics Good?

in Q Inspired-by-Music10 months ago

Musics aren't all about an ordered sound and words said in a studio, to me, music is worth more than that... I mean, in recent times we can't even differentiate between a music and a noise because what most of these artists are doing now ain't worthy of calling them a music at all.

I have imagined a world without good musics and at every point in time I get to imagine that, I just can't stop thinking of it as a torture because good musics aren't just good but rather everything good, lol.
Kudos to all the good musicians out there for real... You guys are saving lives psychologically, hehehe.

Musics however takes much more than just a feature to be good and that's where I'm driving this post at...
What makes a music good to you?
For this post, I'll be sharing my personal opinion on that...

  • Rhythm:

Absolutely the first on the list because this is what differentiates a music from noise to me.
For a music to be good, it must have good rhythm... I mean good flow of everything; the accent, the tempo, the sounds and instruments all aligned in in an ordered way.

  • Meaningful Words:

This remains why the old musics will never die, I mean, those were musics that had strong messages to pass across unlike what's happening currently where someone just enters the studio and talks even though he doesn't have a message to pass across.

Back in the days, musicians took the stage as their own way of airing their view when things were going wrong in the society, be it bad government or bad lifestyles people live even spreading diseases awareness campaigns just like the song titled, "Child of the world by Falz" where he told a story about HIV creating an awareness on that....

That! Is a feature of a good music.

  • Good Instrumentals:

Most of these recent songs are masked with good instrumentals.. so to say that they might be lacking in other qualities but they will get a good plus in their instrumentals... Thanks to the more advanced studios nowadays.


This is to tell you how important good instrumentals are to music... It completely makes you enjoy the song even when it's lacking so to me, it's also a great feature.

  • Calm Songs:

Now this is purely personal since it's my niche when it comes to songs.. a calm song is the best for me because it's got a slower tempo, a soothing, relaxing effect and allows me to read with it which is what I do with musics most of the time i and boosting my mood but it's not a static feature to make a music good because musics sometimes are dependent on the mood you are, atimes, you just need to listen to traps, other times classicals or blues and that's why to me, calmness of the song isn't a compulsory feature just that it's a plus on my side when grading, hehe.

Did I capture all that makes a good music to you or did I miss any?
What makes good music to you, let's hear in the comment section

Thanks for reading and have a nice day


You definitely captured all of it, rhythm and meaningful words are a good baseline for me, especially the latter. These days, most of pop culture music seems noise to me, the words don't make sense and have little to no meaning behind it.

Yeah, recent songs just have good instrumentals and that's all... Too sad

Oh! Child of the world....one of my favourite from Falz. I would definitely do a cover for this song soonest.

Truly, not everything being produced in the studio these days can be called music.

Just like your Canada,that song is the number one when it comes to noise pollution 😂

No o, I don't agree, Canada no be noise pollution abeg😅 song too sweet


This very song is really amazing. I have always loved fatz and the fact that he is an inspiring musician. Meanwhile, I am not a type that judge good music by its lyrics or how calm it is. I simply believe that playing the right music to the right audience and at the right time is all that matters. In my opinion then, there no good or bad music

Hehehe... Honestly I beg to differ on that.. somethings called musics now are bad but it's cool though, I respect your opinion

I absolutely understand with you my friend, some lyrics can be really annoying. The only thing is that there are audience that requires even songs that are supposed to be considered annoying😀

That's just it😂


I also loves this song then when I was young because it served as a lesson to everyone of us then.

It really was a great song