Enjoying life at its best should be everyone's priority, yes I love good things, who wouldn't love good things? I guess no one, this is why as a human I love enjoying myself when the need arises and I don't regret it because it is needed. Do you need luxuries to enjoy yourself? No, I don't think so, there are frugal ways of living a comfortable lifestyle where you feel at peace at being in your space. Peace of mind, I do say it's priceless at least for me, I prioritize my peace over every other thing. I don't like being disturbed so why should I go into a lifestyle I know my present stage cannot afford or maintain?
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In response to the @terganftp prompt for this week, I live in a society where a luxurious lifestyle is a societal pressure. Everyone wants to live big, both old and young, we all want to experience what a luxurious lifestyle is all about even at the expense of our happiness and many other things but the question is, "Is it worth it?". Well, some might say it is worth it while some might not agree with it but whatever side you choose, answer the question truthfully. The stress that some people go through to achieve a luxurious lifestyle, is it worth it?
For me, a yet minimal lifestyle should be having what it takes to provide for one needs at enjoy one's life at its best. Feeling like traveling to Dubai for a holiday, getting your passport and leaving, feel like buying a new car, getting the money, and buying it. The act of achieving all my goals without going out of my way to get them is a minimal lifestyle for me. The prompt said forgetting the luxurious lifestyle, let's exclude traveling at will, and having the resources to get whatever it is you need per time is a minimal lifestyle. The fact that you don't have to take loans or borrow from anyone to satisfy your needs is a simple lifestyle.
To live a simple lifestyle, one doesn't need all the money in the world neither do you have to be a billionaire. Having available resources to take responsibility for whatever you desire without tasking or billing others is the best definition of a simple lifestyle. Many in the world today are living extravagantly at the expense of the person taking care of their responsibility. Then at the end of the day, the caretaker will get tired and if such an individual can't keep up with the luxurious lifestyle anymore, such person might involve himself or herself in dirty acts like rituals, stealing, and many more just to be the top of his or her game of living a luxurious life.
And these acts will lead to the ruination of such lives. Living a simple lifestyle also comes with contentment, a covetous person might not want a simple lifestyle. This is the pressure we are facing in our society today and it's getting worse daily. People no longer want a simple lifestyle, everyone wants to ride on a boat screaming "I have arrived" not thinking of the consequences.
Thanks for your time and your comments will be appreciated.