in BDCommunity2 months ago

Hey lovelies ❤️
It's your favorite girl @debbie-ese 😍
Welcome to my blog 🤗


Take a moment to check your life to see if you have been unhappy and having sleepless nights about some aspect of your life and you may realise that it is due to lack of contentment. Lack of contentment may make a person develop unnecessary anxiety and mental breakdown which leads to a life full of regrets. A life that is contented will always be happy and of course live a life devoid of constant lamentations.

Contentment may not always be easy as it seems because as humans we would always want more in life no matter our class or status. But, mastering and practicing contentment is important to living a stress-free life. The reason behind this is that no man can have it all. If you want to base your happiness on satisfying your needs then you may forever remain an unhappy person because our taste, specifications and demands keep increasing every day.

Today, you may go to a luxury store to get the latest version of your favorite phone, bags, shoes, cars, devices etc and you're happy and flaunting them all over social media but the next minute there's a new version in town and you begin to feel like you'd not be complete until you get the latest version. It is until to get the latest version before you begin to feel fulfilled.

Contentment should be embraced in every aspect of your life and this means that you have to be grateful for your present state instead of lamenting bitterly about the things you wish you had or a place you wish you are. With a mind full of gratitude you'd be able to value your present condition or status no matter how insignificant you think it is. It will be quite difficult to make progress in life if you don't practice a life of gratitude. The reason is simple - such person will begin to feel bad when they see someone with something they wish they had or a person in a position or place they dream of.

Some people are behind bars today because they are not contented with what they have and some have even lost their lives chasing after too many things at the same time. There are people who have a good paying job that are living a decent lifestyle at first but the moment they begin to develop unhealthy competition with others they start to do illegal and fraudulent activities to make more wealth to fund their new lifestyle and at the end they will get apprehended. The place or phase you are in your life at the moment is what or where some people wish they are. They work tirelessly, pray and dream of getting to where you're not grateful for. It is not bad to think big but it is bad when it is been developed out of a place of envy or not being contented with what you have

Most times, lack of contentment is caused by unhealthy competition or comparison. Comparing yourself with others can lead to low self-esteem and afffect your productivity on the long run. You keep on chasing the things you don't need inatead of focusing on the important ones because you lack contentment.


@tipu curate