Today is one of those days that I wish we had gloomy weather so that strolling around outside wouldn't be too hot. But guess what, we left home at 7:32 am, and the weather's already getting crazy. Mr. Sunny's too intense that I can already imagine how this day will be more tiring. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

It's 7:32, and we're patiently waiting for a vehicle that will take us to Pinamalayan. Today's the day, the day for my follow-up checkup in the ENT clinic. I prepared the things that I needed to bring last night so we were able to leave home at the earliest time. All we did was take a bath and eat breakfast. I just had coffee with ugoy-ugoy while Mama had coffee only. And because we had a light breakfast, we got so hungry after just a short stroll in Pinamalayan.

After listing my name inside the hospital, we then looked for a shop where we could find light food as a snack. I saw my favorite burger inside the shop, so that's what I got. Mama wants to get siopao, but I ask her if that's enough for her. As I see it, it is too small compared to the burger, lol. And so she ended up getting the same thing. Mama can't eat cucumber, so I asked her to give it to me. Haha. I love cucumber in my burger, how about you?

After eating our burger, we then decided to have a walk again outside. And this time, we're already full, so we have more strength and stamina to do just that. With the hot weather, we really need a lot of energy, and a simple burger can give that to us. UwU

We took the road headed to the park, and I noticed this tree is bearing fruit now. We often pass by on this road where this tree is planted, but I'm still not sure what kind of tree it is. I thought it was aratilis, but it's not. Maybe you're familiar with these guys?

Anyways, I mentioned in my recent article that Mama is planning to look for an Abanico, a non folding hand fan here in Pinamalayan. So here we are now checking every shop for it. There are more people that sell that kind of thing here compared in Bansud. (╥﹏╥)

Look at all those pretty crafts, from bags, baskets, and even Salakot. Salakot is some kind of headgear made in the Philippines. It is also the most used hat, especially by farmers, to protect themselves from the rain or the scorching heat of the sun.

And here's more, look at those Salakots with colors, they're so pretty. I mean, all of them are pretty, especially since they are all handcrafted, which for sure took a lot of time and effort to create. Another thing is, the materials used on each craft are all organic, as they used special leaves or plants on it. Cool, right? \(◎o◎)/

So here's the abanico non folding hand fan Mama got in there. She bought it for only 35 pesos. And now she's using it as protection from the sun because she forgot to bring her cap, lol. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

We go to the park next after getting the Abanico hand fan. It is so hot outside that we need a shade where we could relax and sit. And the park has that. Look how comfortable Mama is in there, lol. It's hot, but the cold breeze really saved us.
We'll stay here just to pass the time while also waiting for my scheduled check-up, which is at 3:30 pm. But the doctor will probably arrive here very late again as he has to travel from Calapan to Pinamalayan. Aigoooo. What a tiring day!
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