Expensive brothers update: MOAR vet visits and Batman shows off his fever coat

in Caturday9 months ago


Wrestlemania in the kitchen: Simba and Batman have a lot of fun together. Simba is doing really well, he still limps a little but is normally active, climbing trees and doing cat things. It's midwinter here and cold so I think that he feels discomfort from that. I didn't want to put him though anaesthesia again too soon after his leg surgery but he'll go for neutering on Wednesday as it's long overdue: he's already 8 months old and starting to develop a large tomcat head.

A few weeks ago, I noticed that Batman had loose stools with blood and thought "uh-oh, here comes trouble". Within a day or two, I woke up to the sound of vomiting and didn't even stop to consider options. Straight to the vet who said that he was running a fever and that I'd been wise to bring him in and put him on antibiotics again. I also took in a poop sample for microscopic examination but the vet couldn't find any parasites or other nasties although there was an imbalance of the different kinds of bacteria that are normally seen and advised regular probiotic use. Luckily the antibiotics prevented another round of shitmageddon but we started thinking about where these stomach upsets come from. Batman is one of those cats obsessed with playing in the toilet bowl and my vet advised me to keep the lid closed in future. If drinking the toilet water has been the cause of all the gastroenteritis, the boy certainly has a deadly and expensive fetish!

fever coat.jpg

The other day, I noticed that Batman's undercoat is completely grey - this is called a fever coat and it shows just how sick he was. It's most noticeable where his neck was shaved for blood tests He'll be silver for a while but the hair will start turning black again. Wookie had a very red coat when I got him, from having been sick and malnourished when he was young, as you can see in the picture below, he was both red and silver but is properly black now.


Talking of Wookie, he and Peanuts are spending more time back in the house and have accepted Simba completely. Here they are in the same cat bed on my desk. I think the cold makes being inside more attractive but they are also calmer although Dennis is still persona non grata as far as they concerned.


Poor Dennis, he's so sweet and all he wants is to be inside a house during winter. He's stopped picking fights with the others and sleeps on my bed with me and the other cats at night. Sometimes they all share the bed without any issues but at other times, he's not tolerated and the other males start fights. I'm hoping that things will eventually get better and I have had him vaccinated. It's actually pointless trying to get rid of him at this stage, his presence prevents other cats from trying to move in so hopefully he will slowly be accepted.



I have two cats, one is already old, he is 8 years old, and the second is young, just turned one year old. For a very long time they got along in character, there were constant fights, screams and other cat pranks. But now everything has more or less settled down.🙂


That's good! You give me hope 😄

Dennis is quite the looker.

That info about fever coat made me realize just how healthy my annoyingly loveable old lady cat is. She's black as night at... 16? I guess I'll have to put up with her for a while yet. 🖤

I hope your old lady remains hale and hearty for a while yet. Older black cats tend to go reddish is they are unwell

I complimented her on her jet-blackedness today and she beamed! And drooled and sneezed all over me like she always does.


Simba is staying with you?

No, he's with my neighbour but he's a regular visitor and I take care of his food and vet bills

Oh now I remember. How nice that he has two homes now!

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks @ewkaw and Q!



Hopefully that was the digestive issue, and now his misery is over 🙏 I'm glad to hear things are becoming more peaceful! One day they will all realize that their new family members aren't going anywhere.

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

Thank you!

Your cat community is always full of drama and relationship issues... like a soap opera 🙂 like this old one that was daytime TV forever here in the States lol

Haha, I remember that. It is an endless soap opera for sure

Nice babies you have there, thank God that Batman didn't have anything serious, and it was also w good idea that you took him to the vet immediately.

Thank you

Glad to know that Simba is doing very well. Hope that his limping will go away soon.
The silver hair from having fever is very interesting.
Hope all is well with Batman soon.

These cats look so nice together.

I hope it disappears when the weather becomes warmer

Luckily people don’t turn grey from fever like cats!

So cute!

Glad to know that his hair is back to black and he is better than ever. I am very fond of keeping cats but I don't have a place where I can keep a cat. But I am arranging a place to keep him and very soon I will get a small cat 🥰

I hope that you can 😄

Greetings from The Garden Route. I've been here 6 years in Hive and an surprised at how you get such big whale accounts here to vote for you. I used to get some but not much any more. They ignore me now, so I've given up posting. I used to post daily for years but am deflated by the poor response. It's weird. Very sad.

Hello, I'm sorry you feel that way about posting. I don't have any control over the whale account choices and have been here for about 8 years. This is a new situation for me and perhaps they decided to help a little after what this cat fiasco has cost me: 17K and counting. I certainly never asked for it but I am grateful

Yes that's good to hear, I'm so sorry about your cat situation. I hope for healing.

I'll carry on posting for fun and for the long run.

Best wishes.

Aww, the dears!!! Free therapy for my eyes :)

That's a good thing!

Hahaha cute cats reminding me of puss in boots and kitty, lolzzz lovely kitties

I missed this one !

I didn't realize their coats changed color when they weren't well. Interesting.

Glad they are mostly playing nicely together now.

The young ones aren't a problem but their father....

LOL !... It's always the father.....

 9 months ago Reveal Comment

Yes his big fat face is lovable


 9 months ago Reveal Comment