Remodelando la Academia / Remodeling the Academy - Elieska♥

in Lifestylelast year


Hoola gente!

Hoy quería comentarles y mostrarles como van las remodelaciones en la Academia. Después del evento de Diciembre, tomamos el dinero que quedó para dar vida a la Academia, compramos pintura suficiente y comenzamos a pintar las paredes de la parte de adentro.

Nos enfocamos en el interior ya que queríamos que cuando los niños llegaran lo notaran diferente.

Después de comprar las pinturas, nos fijamos un día para pintar e instalar el aire del salón de pintura.

Hello people!

Today I wanted to tell you and show you how the renovations at the Academy are going. After the December event, we took the money left over to bring the Academy back to life, bought enough paint and started painting the inside walls.

We focused on the inside because we wanted the kids to notice it differently when they came in.

After buying the paints, we set a day to paint and install the air in the painting room.



Comenzamos a pintar el salón de pintura con colores amarillos y verdes. Dejamos una pared blanca para hacer el mural que caracterizaría al salón.

Mientras pintábamos las paredes, mi tío se encargaba de instalar el cableado eléctrico para el aire acondicionado.

El día que comenzamos a pintar Enrique estaba super entusiasmado por acompañarnos así que lo dejamos ayudarnos y el muy emocionado tomó la brocha y comenzó a pintar.

Estefania también hacía su parte. luego de un rato ellos tuvieron que ir a su casa y mi tío y yo seguimos en labores.

We started painting the room with yellow and green colors. We left a white wall to make the mural that would characterize the room.

While we were painting the walls, my uncle was in charge of installing the electrical wiring for the air conditioning.

The day we started painting Enrique was super excited to join us so we let him help us and he very excitedly took the brush and started painting.

Estefania was also doing her part. After a while they had to go home and my uncle and I continued with the work.





Al día siguiente continuamos pintando y este día mi mamá y mi novio nos acompañaron. Él y mi tío se encargaron de cortar todo el monte que había crecido por las lluvias y no podíamos iniciar clases así.

Estefanía y yo seguíamos pintando el salón.

Después de un rato mi tío entró al salón y nos ayudó a pintar las partes mas altas de las paredes porque nosotras no alcanzábamos, es que estamos bien pequeñas jajaja.

Estefanía se encargaba de dibujar las formas que conformarían el mural y aquí les muestro como se iba viendo.

The next day we continued painting and this day my mom and my boyfriend accompanied us. He and my uncle were in charge of cutting all the brush that had grown because of the rains and we couldn't start classes like that.

Estefania and I continued painting the classroom.

After a while my uncle came into the classroom and helped us paint the highest parts of the walls because we couldn't reach them, we are too small hahaha.

Estefania was in charge of drawing the shapes that would make up the mural and here I show you how it was looking.



Llegó el día de iniciar las clases y, adivinen... No habíamos instalado el aire acondicionado del salón de pintura, que a su vez sería el de inglés.

Nos tocaba dividir el salón de ballet, Estefania tomaba la mitad del salón para las clases de pintura y yo tomaba la otra mitad para ballet y cuando tocaba Inglés, movíamos la mesa y la pizarra al salón de ballet. Era un poco tedioso e incomodo para los niños y esto nos estresaba a nosotras porque sabíamos que ellos estaban inconformes.

Después de tocar muchas puertas, por fin, un primo de mi novio nos hizo el favor de instalarlo así que ya podíamos dar las clases en el salón.

The day came to start classes and guess what? We had not installed the air conditioning in the painting room, which in turn would be the English room.

We had to divide the ballet room, Estefania took half of the room for painting classes and I took the other half for ballet and when it was time for English, we moved the table and the blackboard to the ballet room. It was a bit tedious and uncomfortable for the children and this stressed us out because we knew they were unhappy.

After knocking on many doors, finally, a cousin of my boyfriend's did us the favor of installing it so we could teach in the classroom.



Ya con el aire acondicionado instalado Estefania pudo continuar la creación del mural. Les enseño una foto de como esta en estos momentos, es una belleza y a los niños les encanta verlos.

Aún falta completarlo, nos faltan algunas pinturas, pero, esperamos esta semana poder terminarlo.

¡Muchas gracias por leer chicos!

Hasta la próxima.

With the air conditioning installed Estefania was able to continue creating the mural. I show you a picture of how it looks right now, it is beautiful and the children love to see it.

We still need to complete it, we are missing some paints, but, we hope this week we can finish it.

Thanks so much for reading guys!

See you next time.




Such a great work you guys did there, the color of the paint, the murals are very beautiful and I'm sure the kids will love it. Giving the academy a new touch was indeed a good idea and I hope the kids will have wonderful time attending classes.

#dreemerforlife #freecompliments

Yes, that's the idea. Thank you very much for that nice comment ♥

This is really Amazing and Beautiful ❤️
Keep up with the good work

Thank u so much!!

Welcome 🤗🤗