Very good to see an EOY 2024 update, @ecoinstant. As for this:
"... and forgive me for being blunt - especially from holders of the token."
I can't speak for others, but I prefer candor and straight talk. Which is what you have provided in this post. While I am a shareholder, I would say this irregardless ...
Keep it coming!
I appreciate the thought you have given to providing liquidity for ECOBANK. I have always found you to be trustworthy. And prudent ...
If you think you can accomplish this, while not hurting your ECOBANK vision overall, then I am all for it. Hive's L2 tokens are "famous" for their "Hotel California" characteristics, i.e. how illiquid they are ... If you can make a viable market in ECOBANK, that would be an achievement in and of itself.
Future updates would then provide the same "fuel" for this free market to "move" like any other investment IRL.