Hello drone lovers.
Are you all flying around these day, to capture the autumn colors?
I have done it many times and here are some picture that I made back then.
In this park the colors needed to start a little bit. It still was to early in autumn season.
But it was a good study flight to see how the area looked like from the sky.
And with that study I mean objects like this. This is a area were the planted all these new trees. So if I come back in this region, I can take a look again how the trees have been growing since the time I was here for last.
And trees like this can be a nice subject to photograph in all the four seasons. It could be a nice four-part series.
And this little path is also very cool to take pictures of in the different seasons.
Now look at this miniature golf course. that looks awesome from the sky.
Safe the best for last, one colored tree in the middle of a sea of green.
Thank you for reading my post! And if you want to see all the places I have ever been to, just click on my Travelfeed profile!
And if you want to follow my daily life, I often post stories and pictures off all the tings I do in life on my Instagram account!