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RE: Capturing Autumn's Ephemeral Beauty: A Drone's Perspective

in Drone8 months ago

Fingers crossed!!! (And a bit afraid they will I must admit!)


Well if that time comes, I hope the masses have the balls to fight back and say enough is enough! 🙂

I sometimes kinda feel like that moment (of having the balls) is slowly but certainly coming!

It will happen eventually. The French never expected the revolution but it happened anyway.

And by some stupid events! Unexpected it all exploded! “Then let them eat cake”…

😅.... When you get away with evil, you'd almost feel you are untouchable

Exactly! But they aren’t, and never will be! 😉💪🏻

It's even sweeter because payback comes after the evil doer must have been carried away and forgotten their evil deeds. Then they'd feel really unfortunate and oppressed and that is the fun part 😂

Indeed!!!! Payback is a b* :-D