Mayhem Coming (MULLET MADJACK Screenshots)

in Gaming Photography10 months ago

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There's nothing more anime than an 80s influenced, hyper violent shooting gallery, where you massacre robot armies of all kinds as you knock down to door. It has a simple premise, yet every creative idea put in the blender, turning out to be a killer cocktail.

The least that I can do is show some of the stuff, only shots taken during gameplay, which, interesting enough, wasn't possible 90% of the time because I couldn't sit around as the clock was ticking. I had to be constantly on the move while I mow down the bots, and keep my blood pumping with my viewership score. Actually, I kind of wish this had more going like an added scoreboard too.

Sorry, but no HDR uploads. I mean, you won't even need them here. The game is practically a colorful cell-shaded bullet fest. I'm sure you'll appreciate the finer details without feeling like missing out.

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Oh, don't mind the mad woman on the right, she's just doing her job. If not being obnoxious, she provides the necessary info, and get me suited with all the upgrades for all 10 rooms in this level. Also, if you look closer, the robot flipped at me while I stabbed him hard. Wait why is he bleeding?

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10 floors, 10 seconds lifeline to fill killing robots, and 10 minutes of mayhem till the next boss. What more could I ask for? More upgrades? Well, yes absolutely that.

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We got Katanas, Plasma Rifles, Shotguns, barrel drops, 80s quipping, wall scanners, railguns, armor protection, double penetration bullets, etc. I keep getting loads and loads of options, and the boss fights only take me higher. Time for that Creed song everybody hates.

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Uh oh, looks like I lost my support team. Being on my own, I have to take on my first boss by myself.

Yeah, I never got around to showing what goes during action, so I'll just put it this way. Areas have robots, they need to be shot down, they can also be melee killed, kicked into fans or windows, fire extinguishers make good explosives, and there are sections where I slide down.

Like, you know, McClane slides under the Nakatomi Plaza before blasting German dudes. This is like that, except they come in the dozens. But, the boss battles and some of the insane set pieces that occurs create such a high ceiling for engaging battles, it's hard not to talk about them. You'll soon see what I mean. Like, of course, it becomes more insane as the chapters go.

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Look at this blob, he thinks he can take me on. Shooting lasers all over the place, not while I blast em.

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Story exposition here and there, it seems there's a history they have with this guy. Wait, I thought I was working for the good guys. Nope, the robots are the majority, and they hate me absolutely.

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Get too far and comfortable, and he eats a chunk of my health. Stay far away, and his lasers catch before putting the damage on me. Right balance of distance. Also this sword can be thrown like a Boomerang.

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Was in the middle of a sniper battle, until the final boss showed up for a surprise kill, and uh, ok HQ looks like we got serious problem. My guy got headshot. Dead, probably game over. Unless by some neo-future miracle, he gets resuscitated back, and his brain somehow healed.

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Look, I don't make the rules, how is it possible he woke up and is now in the middle of an RPG sword fight?


Looks like a cool game but I guess this type of post is most fit to hive gaming.
Thanks for your understanding.