Experience Boat Racing in Water | Game Riptide GP2

in Gaming Photographylast year (edited)

Welcome back everyone to the Gaming Photography Community. When I saw this contest yesterday, I decided that I would must participate in it. That's when I started looking for a game where I could get good water shorts. I downloaded many games and played them but I didn't get good shorts. It was a difficult task for me to find a perfect game. This morning I found a great game where I can take good screenshots of water. Name of this game is Riptide GP2

You'll find a link to the #Gamingphotography Community weekly contest here

I started playing this game. First I had to select my character and then I had to select my boat. Then I selected a place where the competition would take place. I didn't have many choices. Because I was just a new user here and playing for the first time. As I play I get to try out more new locations and new characters. I clicked on the start button and I saw that there are seven people besides me who are participating in this competition.

You won't see a race button in this game. Because as you grow, your speed automatically increases. I was playing this game for the first time so I had no idea about the game and I was bumping around the edges. Eventually I lost that race. I didn't regret it.

I played a second time. This time I was playing a bit better than before. I was at the back but I kept myself safe from the edges. There are many twists in this game. I crossed these bends carefully. Then I left two people behind.

So while playing I moved forward and I saw a jump and I have to go over it. Because it can increase your chances of winning. It takes you far. This time I played a bit better and it was game over. Because the game time is only two minutes. You have to reach your final destination within two minutes

You will see dots on one corner of the screen while playing the game. You will be shown there which number you are going to. I think it's brave to take any of the top three positions. Because this game is played very fast. I didn't want to go back fourth position in any case.

If you avoid the edges, your speed increases. It is also better for you to avoid water falling from above. Because if that water falls on top of you, your speed may decrease. Because of which you can lose.

If you want to increase the speed, you will see a blue mark on the right side, you can click on it. It will increase your speed for a few moments and make it easier for you to win. But you can only use it once per game.

I acrossed many levels. I reached the fourth level and I also claimed rewards for visiting several new places. I also claimed three new boats. If you win in third position, you get $800. From which you can claim any new reward. As the game levels increase, your game speed increases. I got third position twice and once I also got second position. I was very happy when I got the second position. Because I feel like it might be impossible for me to get first position. Because it was a very difficult task for me

I haven't played any game for a month. I had a lot of fun when I played this game. As its speed increases, so does the enjoyment of this game. I tried to take all the good screenshots of water in this game and describe it as best as possible

  • You can ask me any question in my comment section. My comment section is always open for you guys and I always reply

Thank you for Glancing on my post and remember me always with best wishes✨

All Pictures are @sahi1

Connect to Discord: @sahi1

Made With Canva


I fell in love with this interface and hopes to add the game to my phone list soonest.Thanks sharing

This game is really playable and I enjoyed it

These images bring back a lot of memories. It's been a long time since I played it and had a lot of fun, because, if I'm not mistaken, the games weren't that long.

Estas imágenes me traen muchos recuerdos. Hace mucho tiempo que lo jugué y me divertí mucho, ya que, si no me equivoco, las partidas no eran tan largas.

It's reminder for you. But I am playing it for the first time. This game is over in just two minutes

Wow, this game looks very exciting and very fun to play, seeing you fight with rivals side by side while racing makes the scene even more interesting

You are absolutely right, participating in this race is really fun. And I enjoyed this game a lot

What an interesting race.. Seem a lot of fun!

The race was quite interesting and the game is played at a fairly fast pace. I enjoyed this game a lot

I played this game some time back and remember it was really tough to control in the corners. Thanks for sharing your water activity with us and good luck with the contest.

We suggest you to check what others are contributing in this community and feel free to engage with them through your comments, upvotes and follows.

Commented by @itadori-yuji

It was really hard to avoid his corners but still I got second position and I was happy for him. I had a lot of fun playing this game.
Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to participate in this gaming photography contest.

I did my best to comments and upvotes to other people in this community

You're welcome and we appreciate your activity in the community.

Thank you very much for appreciating me 💞

@tipu curate 3