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RE: Lisbon: Street Art.

in StreetArt6 months ago

Such an awesome works 😎
All of them. Portugal has a lot…
Thanks for sharing them, I enjoyed them while drinking a coffee this morning 😊
Have a great sunday!


cheers @littlebee4 hope your week is going well

Cheers @grindle
Yep, getting ready for our next adventure Friday morning… 😉

LOl LOL LOL , me too am off to Azerbaijan on Saturday

Awesome! My travels aren’t that exciting this time.
Next year we go full force 😉
Have fun and safe travels 👋🏻

cheers @littlebee4

Cheers @grindle
Now in the UK
Tomorrow we arrive in Cardiff and Monday the ferry to Ireland.
Hope you travels go well…

Hope yours do too stay safe

So far all good. Tomorrow a flight from Ireland to Edinburgh for a rest till next week. Can’t wait to explore it more 😁
Hope your travels are going well.