Hunt: Showdown Highlights #16

in THGaming11 months ago

Hunt: Showdown Highlights

Last video with Hunt: Showdown content for a while if not forever x)
The game is so filled with Cheaters, Aim-botters, Wallhackers, Ping-Abusers etc. That is just not worth it or fun to play anymore x)

Its a shame, because its a really good and fun game in generel, but because of these problems, the game is just ruined until Crytek fixes this shit.

So ye. Gotta come up with something else to post once a week now :p
Maybe back to writing at some point .


Impressive montage. That double kill after almost dying, great recovery.

I had some good recoveries now and then :D

Hello, I'm new, and I like the video games that you recommend to start in Hive and which community.


 11 months ago Reveal Comment