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RE: Saving an Adenium

in Succulent growers10 months ago

I had to do some heavy cutting like that once too on one of my ones. I had 6 Adeniums grown from seed. Now I have two. One has nice, fat roots. The second one looks more like yours, though not as tall. Pretty chopped up, but growing.


Good to hear that yours are still going, it's been years now. Have they flowered yet?
In silly moments, I'm thinking to put a small door on the place where the hollow section is 😁

One did bloom last year - the cut one. I keep it inside in the windowsill. The other one is on the balcony and never bloomed.

You definitely should :D

We need pictures! Maybe move the balcony one inside too? Or did you run out of windowsill space 🌵

I didn't take any :p I was a bit disappointed with the flower as I ordered various colours and this was not supposed to be one.
I keep them in two different place to see which one will grow better. The one inside has better leaves (when it has them), the one outside is fatter.

Or did you run out of windowsill space

That's another story :p

The adenium seeds thing is a known scam because those different colours and double flowers are all hybrids and they sell the seeds making out that you will get the same plants as the parent. Not possible and people wait years for their seed grown plant to flower and then are disappointed. The only way you'll get a different flower is to buy them in flower so you know what ypou are getting. If you look carefully, you'll see that those are usually grafted

Yea I know that now too :) I was so curious to try them and I really wanted an Adenium. I have never seen them locally to buy, so I took the risk.

I saw today the one growing on the balcony has a flower bud, so you just might see the flower. And I am sure it will be same as the other one :p

Congratulations on keeping them alive that long. I guess they aren't common in PT because they are summer growers so difficult in your climate

Thanks! They should be a lot bigger by now though, but yea. Not their climate and they struggle quite a bit.