Pleasing God requires total obedience to his word. We must learn to obey God and do his will. The Bible has taught us what we should do and what we should not do as followers of Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches us that God requires holiness from us. Our lives and conducts must be such that brings glory to God. The children of God should be different from the children of the world. The children of the world can play with sin anyhow but we who are the followers of Jesus Christ must follow after holiness.
We should not seek to satisfy our flesh in all things. We should run away from carnal pleasures. We abstain from sinful habits. Whatever that the Bible tells us not to do, we ought to decease from them. The Bible teaches us that fornication is a sin. Let us not think about committing fornication. When people who are not married engage in sexual activities, that is fornication. God hates fornication because it is a sin. Let us abstain from fornication.