Good morning my beloved family. We are beloved because we are loved of God. The Bible says what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the children of God. We are the children of God because the blood of Jesus Christ has cleansed us from all sins. That blood has purified us. That is the blood of our adoption into the family of God.
In the world we shall see tribulations. Our Lord Jesus Christ told us this. He said that in the world we shall see tribulations. We should encounter pains and trials. We are admonished by Him that we should be of good cheer. We must be of good cheer because our Savior has overcome the world.
Let us learn to put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. No matter the tribulations which we are passing through, he will be out strength. He will help us. We should understand that the tribulations which we are encountering is good to strengthen us and make us better people and to cause us to serve God better.