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RE: Going RAW

in PHOTOGRAPHY [DAC]5 months ago

Personally I think phone cameras have come a long way and one should make the most of them including using the RAW option if available it gives you so much you can do with editing the photos

that said I seldom use my phone for photos and when I do I use auto and HDR modes , but then again mostly I am out and about with my camera

As for the auto option on editing programmes I use it often myself, but just as a starting point to see what the program, Lightroom in my case things and then tweak it to my liking sometimes staying close to the auto settings but more often tweaking it a lot to my liking

now not to flood you with info so just a little bit more

the main ones I think you should play with as you get started are the basics I would say
Cropping if need be, Exposure contrast and depending onthe shots tweaking shadows highlights and mid tones


Thanks for the tip! I was looking into Lightroom, but the price seemed a bit high and I wasn't sure if I could justify rolling it into my budget here at work. It looks like they have moved to a subscription model with it. I like having the option of being able to do my own editing (once I figure it out), but for now, I am not sure what I am going to do with all these massive files. I know you and I already discussed that a bit in your one post!

Yeah I subscribe to it and justify to myself since I use it everyday
I’m sure there are other cheaper options out there but have been using it so long I am used to it

It looks like it is only about $10 per month, so that really isn't too bad in the grand scheme of things. I tried playing around with DarkTable, but I can't really see what it does to make the photo better versus the JPEG version. I think I would need to actually sit down with someone so they can explain what they did with the file. I'm really starting to appreciate how much time editing takes up.

yeah thats the plan I have and at that price I am happy to stick with it , I havent hear of dark table, I just took a quick look at its website but that didnt give me an ide aof the app itself so cant help with that sorry

probably if you could sit with someone for even just half an hour for sure it would help, thats all I did with my Daughter in Law when she started and she was off and running quickly

yeah editing can take time I generalyl spend a coupleof hours each morning editing photos, and that not enough to keep up with allI take LOL

That makes a lot of sense. I just need to find someone that has the eye for it. Then I can show them one of my RAW images and have them decided what they would do to it and then show me the difference. DarkTable is supposed to be an open source equivalent of LightRoom.

I was going to say the look was very much like Lightroom