Las Trinitarias o Buganvilias. Esp-Eng

in PHOTOGRAPHY [DAC]10 months ago

Saludos desde la madre naturaleza que nos da mucho y a veces nosotros le damos o devolvemos muy poco.

Esta es una sesion de fotos con una flor que conocemos en Venezuela comon Trinitarias y en otras partes como Bungavilias.

Aunque solo encontre este color, las hay de mas colores: fucsias, blancas, anaranjadas, lila no se si habran mas, esas son las que yo he visto al igual que sus hojas, unas de amarillo con verde.

Estas flores vienen en petalos sencillos una sola y doble, parece de papel por lo fino que son, asi como el papel de seda o papel de china. Aunque siendo flor y pensamos que todas tienen aromas, ella no, asi como hay otras que no tienen, pero si muchos bellos colores.

Fotos tomadas con camara Sony.

Contenido original traducido con la app DeepL.

Ciudad Bolivar. Venezuela.








Greetings from Mother Nature who gives us so much and sometimes we give or return very little.

This is a photo session with a flower that we know in Venezuela as Trinitarias and in other parts as Bungavilias.

Although I only found this color, there are more colors: fuchsia, white, orange, lilac, I don't know if there are more, those are the ones I have seen as well as their leaves, some yellow with green.

These flowers come in single and double petals, they look like paper because they are so thin, just like tissue paper or Chinese paper. Although being a flower and we think that all have scents, she does not, as there are others that do not have, but many beautiful colors.

Photos taken with Sony camera.

Original content translated with the app DeepL.

Bolivar City. Venezuela.
