El domingo nos dispusimos a jugar la 5ta jornada de la Liga de Fútbol de Santo Domingo, caímos con marcador de 1 a 0. Esto, luego de venir invictos desde el inicio del torneo, el equipo a pesar de dejar todo el físico en la cancha, no tuvo la reacción necesaria para descontar el marcador en contra.
On Sunday we set out to play the 5th day of the Santo Domingo Soccer League, we fell with a score of 1 to 0. This, after being undefeated since the beginning of the tournament, the team, in spite of leaving everything physically on the field, did not have the necessary reaction to reduce the score against us.

En los partidos pasados siempre estuvimos por encima del marcador, excepto con el 0 - 1 vs el equipo de Santo Domingo que luego de la segunda parte del encuentro pudimos dar vuelta al marcador. En esta ocasión no pudimos hacer lo mismo, así que significo nuestra primera derrota del torneo.
In the past games we were always on top of the scoreboard, except with the 0 - 1 vs. the Santo Domingo team that after the second part of the game we were able to turn the score around. This time we could not do the same, so it meant our first defeat of the tournament.

Lo importante es que salimos todos en buenas condiciones, se logro compartir, al llegar temprano al terreno y apreciar el buen sol de domingo que nos regalo ese gran día. Esperamos buscando la sintonía para revertir lo sucedido en la pasada jornada, para así encarrilarnos hacia un nuevo triunfo.
The important thing is that we all went out in good conditions, we were able to share, to arrive early to the field and appreciate the good Sunday sun that gave us that great day. We hope that we are looking for the harmony to reverse what happened on the last day, in order to get on track for another victory.

Me despido, hasta una nueva oportunidad. Saludo! // I bid you farewell, until another opportunity. Greetings!
End / Fin

Original Creation by: @yonnathang
Pictures taken and edited from a smartphone. 13 MP camera (f/2.2, PDAF).

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