Hello, Eliana @elianaicgomes ! I am so happy to listen to you and hear about what's happening with you! I'm so sorry you are dealing with these nasty people. It sounds like they weren't always like this. They will not do well in business treating you this way and treating the others this way. Yes, I understand how exhausting mental fatigue can be. Hang in there with your diet. You will get there and that's what I have heard about dieting that you get to a platuea. Just keep it up, do your best. Be kind, do your best, give out love, keep fighting. Yes! I love you too! I love that you are painting an owl :) I can't wait to see it when you are finished. Yes, always show kindness. That is a wise one to do - kindness. I feel much better when I show kindness that gives love, and I get love back. I will pray for your situation to get better. If you need to sleep then sleep. This is very understandable to be tired after putting up with that cruel behavior towards you. Love, hugs, prayers, birdie spirit kisses Eliana! Barb :) !BBH !CTP
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