❤️ Her music was my lifelong companion ❤️

Here is my first Celine CD, I remember when I ordered it, I wanted any CD that had the famous Titanic song and my mom surprised me with this CD and since then I was completely in love with her music and the Titanic song took a back seat after listening to the other gems that this CD contains.
From here, my search for more Celine CDs began!

I already had this one, but in cassette format for those famous radio recorders that snagged the cassette tape and left them unusable and completely ruined. I had two, both had the same fate, but when we acquired the CD player, I decided it was time to get it back, now without the risk of snagging the tape.

I remember that these two CDs were gifts for my birthday. Previously, the apartment in front of my house where my sister @aibi93 now lives, was empty, with some furniture and a fairly powerful CD player. I would go there every afternoon after lunch to stay there for hours listening to these CDs and reveling in her magnificent songs.

The first time I saw these two CDs I didn't recognize her. After I took them home I was still in doubt because her voice sounded a little different. Researching I discovered that these CDs contain her first songs, when she was only a 13 year old girl, and that's why her voice sounded different, it was that of a child prodigy.

These are the only live CDs I got, I am impressed that her voice sounds the same both with audio editions and live, this only a true artist can achieve. I love the songs they have, but to be honest, I don't listen to them much because I get a little annoyed by the clapping and screaming from the audience that can be heard.

If you have trouble sleeping, this CD is ideal for falling asleep. It is dedicated to her first child and contains lullabies that every time I listened to it, I fell asleep because it is so relaxing.
Imagine a voice as sweet as Celine's singing lullabies.

On one of my birthdays, my mom took me to Musimundo to buy some CDs for my collection, when they were available. That day I bought 6 CDs, although not all of them I got at Musimundo, for others I went to some record stores in different places and found a Christmas one, I wanted to buy as many as I could and we spent the whole day going from record store to record store in different neighborhoods.
What a madness that day going through so many places looking for CDs!

I also bought on the internet, so much was my fanaticism that even on the internet I was looking for the ones I couldn't find in the record stores. I bought "The color of my love" through Mercado Libre, but at that time my arm was in a cast due to a fall and I forgot to confirm the purchase. The seller contacted me a few days later, scolding me for not confirming and we arranged that I would go to the Capital city to pick it up when I recovered from my arm.
Not only that, I also ordered some albums from my local record store, I think I ordered about 4 (four) and they got me 2 (two), enough.

These CDs are more fun, with some songs that fill you with energy and make you want to dance along with her. Of course, romance can't be missing, but they are more energetic than the songs on the other CDs.

To finish I show you the last CDs I bought, not the last ones she released, but the last ones I could buy because the price of them rose too much and it was impossible for me to buy the newest ones. From the last CDs, Celine was changing her musical style, I liked more the previous one, but, even so, her songs and her voice are still unique.
Thank you for joining me in this crazy CD collection of my all-time favorite singer who accompanied me with her music for many years: Celine Dion!
️✏️ Text written by me translated with DeeplTranslate free version.
📷 Pictures taken by me with my Samsung A03