My treasured Celine Dion CD collection!

in Hive Collectors11 months ago

Her music was my lifelong companion


📷 Image edited in Photoscape

Greetings to everyone in this beautiful community of Hive collectors, I am very happy to share again here another of my best and most valuable collection, this time as a suggestion of my beautiful friend @avdesing since we are both fans of the sweet voice of Celine Dion and today I will be sharing my CD collection of this brilliant Canadian artist.



Here is my first Celine CD, I remember when I ordered it, I wanted any CD that had the famous Titanic song and my mom surprised me with this CD and since then I was completely in love with her music and the Titanic song took a back seat after listening to the other gems that this CD contains.

From here, my search for more Celine CDs began!



I already had this one, but in cassette format for those famous radio recorders that snagged the cassette tape and left them unusable and completely ruined. I had two, both had the same fate, but when we acquired the CD player, I decided it was time to get it back, now without the risk of snagging the tape.



I remember that these two CDs were gifts for my birthday. Previously, the apartment in front of my house where my sister @aibi93 now lives, was empty, with some furniture and a fairly powerful CD player. I would go there every afternoon after lunch to stay there for hours listening to these CDs and reveling in her magnificent songs.



The first time I saw these two CDs I didn't recognize her. After I took them home I was still in doubt because her voice sounded a little different. Researching I discovered that these CDs contain her first songs, when she was only a 13 year old girl, and that's why her voice sounded different, it was that of a child prodigy.



These are the only live CDs I got, I am impressed that her voice sounds the same both with audio editions and live, this only a true artist can achieve. I love the songs they have, but to be honest, I don't listen to them much because I get a little annoyed by the clapping and screaming from the audience that can be heard.



If you have trouble sleeping, this CD is ideal for falling asleep. It is dedicated to her first child and contains lullabies that every time I listened to it, I fell asleep because it is so relaxing.

Imagine a voice as sweet as Celine's singing lullabies.



On one of my birthdays, my mom took me to Musimundo to buy some CDs for my collection, when they were available. That day I bought 6 CDs, although not all of them I got at Musimundo, for others I went to some record stores in different places and found a Christmas one, I wanted to buy as many as I could and we spent the whole day going from record store to record store in different neighborhoods.

What a madness that day going through so many places looking for CDs!



I also bought on the internet, so much was my fanaticism that even on the internet I was looking for the ones I couldn't find in the record stores. I bought "The color of my love" through Mercado Libre, but at that time my arm was in a cast due to a fall and I forgot to confirm the purchase. The seller contacted me a few days later, scolding me for not confirming and we arranged that I would go to the Capital city to pick it up when I recovered from my arm.

Not only that, I also ordered some albums from my local record store, I think I ordered about 4 (four) and they got me 2 (two), enough.



These CDs are more fun, with some songs that fill you with energy and make you want to dance along with her. Of course, romance can't be missing, but they are more energetic than the songs on the other CDs.



To finish I show you the last CDs I bought, not the last ones she released, but the last ones I could buy because the price of them rose too much and it was impossible for me to buy the newest ones. From the last CDs, Celine was changing her musical style, I liked more the previous one, but, even so, her songs and her voice are still unique.

Thank you for joining me in this crazy CD collection of my all-time favorite singer who accompanied me with her music for many years: Celine Dion!


️✏️ Text written by me translated with DeeplTranslate free version.

📷 Pictures taken by me with my Samsung A03



No puedo evitar sentir admiración por los coleccionistas! Me parece que es un hobby muy bonito!🥰

Por otro lado, me resulta maravilloso que hayas conseguido cds de Céline cantando con solo 13 años de edad! Wow! Todo un privilegio!

Eso que hiciste de buscar los Cds de Céline en diferentes tiendas tanto físicas como online me pareció todo una audaz aventura. Me imagino que nada ni nadie te detendría en tu búsqueda! Jeje! Sí que eres una verdadera fan de esta cantante y una ejemplar coleccionista.

Lamento lo de tu brazo y que por eso hayas olvidado confirmar tu compra en mercado libre, pero me alegra que después de recuperarte hayas ido a la capital por tu "The color of my love"

Sin duda, Céline dejo una huella en el corazón de todos aquellos que escuchamos todos tus inolvidables exitos!

Recuerdo que me aprendí la canción del Titanic y la cantaba a todo pulmón cuando me bañaba y juraba que cantaba exactamente igual a Céline! Jajajajaja!

Fue todo un gusto acompañarte en esta loca colección de CDs la cual amé!

Gracias, mi Yami por esta estupenda publicación!🥰

Al principio no sabia si era ella quien cantaba, era la voz de una niña jaja pero indagando en internet encontre sus primeras canciones y si era ella, me senti afortunada porque incluso venia incluida su primer cancion "Le voix du bon Dieu" super feliz 😍

Mi mama estuvo ahi conmigo, fuimos de punta en punta, de autobus en autobus y me lleve 6 CDs super feliz a mi casa jaja ambas somos super fans de Celine asi que no fue una tortura para ella ir en busqueda de CDs, volvimos cansadas pero felices jaja

Eso me paso por mandarme con los patines sin saber patinar, que golpe que me di jajaja pero apenas me recupere, me lleve mi CD, habia comprado dos, pero solo pude pagar uno.

Celine es un icono de la musica, marco a muchas personas con su hermosa musica ❤️ y ahora necesito escucharte cantar la cancion del Titanic jaja hacemos duo porque de tanto escucharla ya me la se de memoria, invitamos a Buhito jaja estoy segura que debes tener una voz preciosa 😍

Aww muchas gracias hermosa por tomarte el tiempo de leer las locuras que hice jaja es un honor y un placer leer semejante comentario ❤️❤️🦉

Sin duda alguna Celine es una artista icónica que marcó a muchos con su música. Que bonito ver que has conservado esos CD como un tesoro ❤️

Siii, su musica fue y siempre sera una dulzura, aunque haya cambiado un poco el estilo, sigue siendo magistral oirla cantar.

Algunas cajas de los CDs se rompieron porque a mi mama se le cayeron jajaja me olvide de poner eso en el post 😂

Gracias bella por tu apoyo ❤️

Al menos mantuvo la calidad espectacular incluso con sus cambios. Y a tu madre le ocurrió un accidente de infarto pero por suerte todo está bien 🤭.

Podrás seguir disfrutando de esta gran artista ✨

Al menos los CDs sobrevivieron jaja solo las cajas se dañaron 😂 y se le cayeron dos veces encima, es un caso jajajaja

Celine Dion has a unique voice and fascinates me, well, you know that. We agree on many things! This collection is amazing!!!! I love it! Thanks Yami!❤️❤️❤️

Who can resist her voice? hehe although here I talk more about the story of these CDs, at some point I will talk more about her and her music, the muse has to appear hahaha 😂 Soon!

Thank you dear ❤️🦉

I'm going to love talking about it. There's so much in her music and in her story.

Beautiful collection!😍

She has a really touching story and even she herself admitted that she hated the Titanic song haha 😂

There's a lot to talk about her, we would need 30 posts 😲

If you organise yourself .... not 30 but 29 can be... hahaha

mmm que buhonito... vaya a atende nuestros bebes 😑

This is a beautiful collection!! This singer is unique and I am truly sorry that she is going through this health problem right now. I have seen documentaries of his life and the truth is that it inspires.

Yes, it is very sad what she is going through, a super strange disease that just happened to her and with all the adversities she lived through, she is really inspiring and her music is magnificent 💔

Thank you for your visit dear ❤️

Me encanta Celine 🤗🤗😱

Siii, es muy buena cantante 😍

El unico Cd de Celine Dion que tengo es precisamente el primero que presentas, para mi uno de sus mejores trabajos, he de reconocer que su voz es espectacular, al igual que algunos shows que he visto de ella en video!.

Ese CD tiene unas canciones bellisimas, no sabria decir cual me gusta mas y me trae muchos recuerdos escucharlo 😍 y lo mas increible es que su voz no cambia tanto con arreglos y en vivo ❤️

Beautiful collection I see that you like to collect, I think we all fell in love with it at some point in life sings spectacular definitely one of the best voices that exist

I would have liked to have all of them, but it was impossible haha

Her voice is very sweet, soothing, anyone can calm down when listening to her singing, even Buhito calms down 😂

And now Buhito will dedicate one of her most romantic songs to you ulala 🦉❤️

I am sure that the little owl also likes this collection of yours, right? :))

Although I have not listened to all the songs by Celine Dion I could always recognize her special voice, (well, I think I would) even if she started very young and the voice naturally matured. But I also read about her illness she is going through 😔

Yes, he loves her, when I play him a CD, he starts singing even if it breaks my eardrums haha

Her voice is very beautiful, as a child I didn't recognize her voice because I had never heard it haha but now I do ❤️

It is true, she is suffering from a very ugly and very strange disease, it is very sad that it has touched her, all her fans miss her, but her health is first 💔

Haha, I believe the little owl sings softly and well! 🦉 :D

I hope she gets better, if there is way for that.

Eras adicta a Celine, a mi me gustaba pero ya me pudrí de que me hacías oír tanto jajajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa y si, nos hiciste ir a un lujar re lejos para buscar uno.. por cierto, en esa época no existía buhito ¿Cómo vivimos sin el? jajajajajaja

¿Era? Sigo siendo, mas calmada pero sigo siendolo jajajajaja tampoco era para tanto che, no me juzgues jajajajajjaa

Era a unas cuadras del Obelisco, deje de exagerar o te mando a Buhito endemoniado 🦉

Viviamos sin el porque no sabiamos que existia 🦉 ahora nunca se ira, NUNCA!!!

Era lejos por un CD jajajajjajajjjjjjajja calmese buho altanero (? Yo me deshare de el

Tia, no me critiques 🦉 quiero mas CDs

Estas obsesionada con Celine Dion pol dio santi jaja, increíble tu colección, he escuchado poco de ella pero créeme recuerdo bien el podcast donde hablamos de ella, pudiéramos retomar ese tema que me agrado y no dejes que el buho ese maligno te dañe tus cds

Vaya a escuchar mas canciones de ella sino no es bienvenido aca 🦉 ajja en realidad, a mi mama se le cayeron todos dos veces y se rompieron un poco las cajas jajaja pero los CDs estan bien, cuando Buhito llego, ya estaban dañadas jajaja

Very nice and extensive CD collection of Céline Dion. A great voice with great stage istrionics. There is an album that I love her and it is D'eux from 1995 and in French. In its 12 songs you can enjoy a great orchestration and the imprint of the composer Jean-Jacques Goldman. I liked your post. Regards

I could never get that album, I would have loved to have it in my collection because every album she released had a different magic. I don't have many French albums, they were the hardest to get.

Without a doubt, a brilliant artist ✨

Thank you very much for your visit ❤️

A collection of Celine Dion is probably the most unique thing I've seen posted to Hive ever.

She has always been my music idol, her voice and her songs are the most beautiful thing I have ever heard ❤️

Thank you for your visit 😊

I remember growing up and her music was still quite popular, the cds were everywhere, she'd still play on the radio. Sometimes I look back and remember those times and think of how odd it is that music gets replaced so quickly, how such huge musicians end up almost forgotten outside of their existing fans. Times change rapidly!

That's right, in my neighborhood you could also get several CDs of her, and here where I live the percentage of people who listen to her is very low, but even so there were and I got all of them. It's a pity that they are being forgotten, but her music will always remain and there will always be someone who will listen to her again, times do change fast.

At the same time, I think it's inevitable that the trends also change and these musicians are once again discovered and thrown back into popularity!

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Gran colección y estoy seguro que si fuera por ti habría mucho más y menos mal que tú eres la fan y no Buhito porque si fuera él iria a secuestrar a Celine y la encerraría con grillete y todo para hacerla cantar todo el día jajajajaja que peligro... Me hizo recordar la colección de cds y casettes de Queen que tuve que dejar en Venezuela por venirme a Chile pero bueno el amor por la música lo llevo en el corazón y no en la colección 🥹

¿Crees que Buhito haria algo asi? Puede ser, esta loco jajaja

Queria mas, pero me fue imposible conseguir otros, aunque me fuera a otros barrios, siempre estaban los mismos asi que ahi quedo mi coleccion.

Que pena que hayan quedado alli, pero como bien dices, la musica se lleva en el corazon ❤️

Wow, this is a gem of a collection, you even have a record that contains Celine's first song when she was 13 years old, that's amazing!

Yes, I was surprised to discover that they were her first songs, they are beautiful and a treasure 😍