🦉 Tote bags used by Buhito in his daily life 🦉

When I read the theme of tote bags proposed by @mipiano, I was rummaging around my nest to see what I could find and I discovered that my mom, Buhito's grandmother, had thrown most of the bags in the trash, but some survived and although I'm not sure if they fulfill the expected function, Buhito, being cheeky, wanted to show them anyway and we hope you like them.
Buhito has his own tote bag and some of them have a peculiar story that I just made up, don't miss them!

“Natura” is a company of perfumery products and so on, I don't remember what exactly Buhito bought to get this bag, the only thing I know is that they are quite expensive products and I'm sure Buhito spent money he doesn't have to flirt with some lady owl who now she doesn't even give him a good day because I didn't receive any gift from him from this brand, I'm jealous.
Buhito doesn't know how to save and spends feathers he doesn't have!

Little gift bags that Buhito received on some birthday, curiously a few days ago I shared a post about butterflies in my garden and now it turns out that Buhito has a gift bag of butterflies. This is the only approach Buhito has with butterflies because being a bird of prey, he eats them and I don't want that, he already has his own food, so I don't let him play with them!

A family of owls giving each other presents? Buhito looks at them curiously, he's probably wondering why he doesn't get presents and that's a lie, he always gets presents, even more than me, he's just a greedy owl that the more he has, the more he wants.
If we deny him candy, he will try to take revenge, if we deny him presents.... I'd better not even think about it!

And now what is he thinking? He is looking suspiciously at this other bag with a couple of owls, I can suspect he is thinking why he doesn't have a girlfriend if he is so cute and adorable, well, we already know the answer, but Buhito is still convinced that he is right and the world is the one that is wrong, I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to ruin that relationship!

I remember this one very well, Buhito bought a new towel to dry his feathers that was cheap according to him, but it turns out that it doesn't dry anything and being Ratatouille, he ended up buying something that doesn't fit him and to this we add that he already has several unused towels and goes and buys another one, he is archiving them I don't know what for, I guess he wants a collection of towels to share it in the community!

The bag of... buhonistic waste!
Cover up the numbers and addresses of these two bags because it is not my place to divulge their locations and contact telephone numbers, but this bag contains the number of an atmospheric truck that I call very often because of Buhito, you already know what those trucks are for, to clean Buhito's poop that being a bird, he likes to do his physiological needs while flying, you can imagine the mess he makes.
And finally, Buhito's personalized Barbie bag, with these bags he does his monthly shopping, always brings birdseed and then forgets his mommy, beggar owl.
He loves his little bag, he received it for his first birthday as a gift and he even finds it comfortable, if not, watch how he puts his paws inside it and stays that way for several hours, I find it even adorable that he has fun with something so simple.
Buhito is a special bird... especially crazy!
Buhito's social networks
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📷 Pictures taken by me with my Samsung A03