A stuffed collection! (Buhito jealous?)

in Hive Collectors10 months ago

Buhito's stuffed friends (and enemies)


With this month's theme proposed by @mipiano, the stuffed animals have arrived to invade this beautiful community and that's why Buhito joins us to present to everyone his friends (and enemies) stuffed animals. With some I form a nice friendship (rare), but with others, the feathers are not quite right, so join us to meet the other stuffed animals.



First let's introduce mommy owl. Buhito already introduced her on another occasion, but let's see how the little owl clings to her, I think he feels well protected under her wings and maybe just at that moment Buhito is no longer so demonic, after all, mom's warm embrace will always be the shelter against any storm that a child is going through. He hugged her so tight that she almost throws her away!



And now let's go to daddy owl. He was also introduced some time ago, he gets along very well with his father, they usually go out to play on Sunday afternoons and come back full of mud so they always end up being scolded by mommy owl. He is their best friend, Buhito gets a lot of love from his parents, so I wonder why he is so devilish. He was born crooked apparently!



This is his rival, the penguin, whose name is Bizcochito because he is cross-eyed. Maybe some of you have already seen that both were victims of each other on several occasions, Buhito attacked him when he was a wolf and Bizcochito bullies him from time to time. They don't get along at all, sometimes I find their feathers scattered everywhere as a sign that they have grabbed each other's feathers. They are mortal enemies and between enemies they also need each other!



Bizcochito's younger brother, indifferent to Buhito. This little penguin poses no threat to Buhito, he is neutral, they hardly speak to each other and he doesn't care about defending his older brother, Bizcochito, on the contrary, when they fight, he buys popcorn and enjoys the show. He likes to watch the feathered world burn!



A Pokemon that I don't know its name. I got this stuffed animal from one of those clamp machines, it was my lucky day even though I have no idea what Pokemon it is. He seems to get along well with Buhito, but actually the picture was taken with some pressure, neither of them wanted to take it, that's why they look a bit tense. There's no connection, it's just a forced picture!



Totoro from the animated movie "My Neighbor Totoro". Totoro is a good friend of Bizcochito, both meet to bully Buhito in a wheel of revenge that has no control or limits, that's why Buhito stayed away from him in the picture. He is bigger and stronger, Buhito is afraid of him!



A smaller Totoro. We see Buhito somewhat surprised, he must be wondering if Totoro shrunk or is another one like him. Maybe with this little guy he could get along better and have an ally to take revenge on Bizcochito. We'll find out in the next episode!



Sailor Moon, the guardian of the Moon. Buhito is looking at her with curiosity, he knows her and she is one of his anime idols, he wants to approach her to ask for her autograph, but even a demon owl like him can be shy in front of his idol. Buhito will punish you in the name of the Moon!



Tweety, by Silvestre and Tweety. Surely you remember this old and tender cartoon, I was a fan of Tweety and this little guy came with a Barbie that I still have and very soon I will share it here. I had many stuffed animals of this little bird, but they all ended up ruined because when I was little I didn't value very much the things I was given as gifts. Too bad for me!



Kero from Sakura Card Captors. Another little animal that I liked a lot from the cartoons, in this case an anime from my childhood and that many will remember. This little guy is Buhito's friend because he is as crazy and demonic as he is, but since he is busy taking care of the Clow Cards, he can't help Buhito much with his revenge. But when he does, the feathered world trembles!



Finally, Eevee, another Pokemon that is not mine. I stole this plushie from my sister just to include it in the photo shoot, that's why it's not on the cover. Now I must admit to everyone that I just shamelessly appropriated this plushie because Buhito likes it, so @aibi93, I'm keeping it without your permission. We already know who Buhito came out to!

I had many more stuffed animals, but I don't know where they are or what happened to them, I just consider them missing, but they were really cute and of different animals, too bad I couldn't find them. Even so, I share with you the ones I still have and I hope you like them.

Thank you very much for your visit!


️✏️ Text written by me translated with DeeplTranslate free version.

📷 Pictures taken by me with my Samsung A03 edited in Photoscape.



There's no connection, it's just a forced picture!

Hahahaha 😂

How much I laughed at this write-up, I mean how much I enjoyed seeing Buhito's caring family 😍 and friends and enemies lol. You know, one Hiver is joking that he is collecting enemies 😂

Oops, I hope @aibi93 will not see this soft toy stealing activity 😁

Buhito has collected more enemies than friends hahaha the penguin is his biggest rival, look how he turns his back on him 😂

Buhito shamelessly stole the stuffed animal, but let's pretend that didn't happen jiji 🦉

Thank you dear ❤️

Well, Buhito can pretend and blame Bizcochito 😂

Hey, but that's an excellent idea hahaha another war is coming between them 😂


@elbuhito Im seeing you!!!


No wonder I couldn't find my stuffed animal anymore. Thank goodness I didn't give him the kitten one. This haughty owl is treacherous hahaha

That big big big owl of the comeinzo is my favourite!!!! What a beautiful collection Yami, I love it!!!!😍

Buhito's mother, they look alike? haha he gets attached to her because he feels protected 😂

Thank you dear ❤️

It is beautiful! And of course she protects him and loves him, just like you who are his adoptive mother. I love your cuddly toys!!!!

Son muy adorables todos!<3

Muchas gracias 😊

This was probably the cutest post I've ever read, beautiful stuffed animals! I loved that you narrated a story for each one with so much grace and creativity, you are a genius friend, you are really a natural at this.

On the other hand, I loved to see Buhito in a cuddle mode with his mother, he really needs maternal love to reduce stress and bad moods.

Pd: Sailor Moon is iconic! I understand Buhito's look.

Greetings dear!

Este probablemente ha sido el post mas tierno que he leido, hermosos peluchitos! ame que hayas narrado una historia para cada uno con tanta gracia y creatividad, eres una genio amiga, de verdad todo esto te sale natural.

Por otro lado me encanto ver a Buhito en modo zumiso con su madrecita, la verdad que aveces necesita amor maternal para reducir el estres y mal humor.

Pd: Sailor Moon es iconico! entiendo la mirada de Buhito.

Saludos querida!

Aw how cute, thank you very much for the compliments 😍 most of the stories are of destruction haha Buhito has few friends but well 😂

With his mommy, Buhito feels protected and only there he calms down a little bit from his madness 😂

Thank you very much dear for your nice comment ❤️❤️ I appreciate it.

The owl looks small, only Tweety looks smaller, it's a world like no other where everyone wakes up at night and talks, some of them are dating, loving each other in secret, they literally also plan how to conquer the world and put Yami to sleep forever so they can be free. and talk all the time

Buhito is the smallest haha only Tweety beats him in small and the smallest Totoro haha

Put me to sleep?! What? Now I won't be able to sleep tonight hahaha they plan to attack me so they can go free to destroy the world! 🦉

Lo primero que te voy a decir es que solté una carcajada nada más de ver la foto de portada 🤣*

Oye, la sesión de fotos me encanta y me fijé que todos recibieron un buen baño para poder participar. Se ven tan aseados... 😅... es que como dices que siempre hay peleas sucias, intuyo que no queden limpios después de ellas. Bizcochito y Totoro...😂 ¡qué par!

Este buhito me encanta así con todas sus discordias. Fue muy interesante ver la foto de familia.


Me alegra saber que la foto de portada cumplio con su objetivo jajaja 😂

Antes de la sesion, se retocaron, querian competir con Buhito y no querian salir desalineados jaja

Los tengo que bañar despues de cada pelea, se agarran de las plumas y quedan todos desprolijos 😂 sobre todo Buhito y Bizcochito

Buhito en todas sus facetas 🦉 familiero, resentido, amigo jajaja

Me encantó tu colección de peluches, están demasiado tiernos 🤗, no puedo con la foto de la lechuza y buhito juntos @elbuhito 💙. Tal vez con la ayuda de mamá lechuza, buhito deje de hacer tantas travesuras, como poseer a Ivana y querer explotar el negocio 😂. Saludos, linda.

Tenia muchos mas pero no se donde quedaron :c con su mami él se calma, solo ahi, cuando mami se va a hacer quehaceres, tiembla todo 😂 jajaja no hay caso.

Gracias por pasar, buen finde ❤️🦉

Bonita colección de peluches. Buhito como siempre, tan malcriado. ¿Quién lo tendrá así? Diga usted @elbuhito será mamá,papá o ??? Feliz fin de semana querida.🦉🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yo pienso que son ambos jaja o Buhito ya nacio asi 😂 o... quiza soy yo la mala influencia 👀 jaja

Feliz fin de semana cariño ❤️🦉

Jajajajaja que adorable Buhito con su comunidad 🥳

El clan Buhito (? 🦉

Amé tu colección cada uno de estos lindos animales o peluchitos tienen una pequeña historia y están relacionados con Buhito! Él se vé muy tierno a lado de su mami, pero me imagino que a veces la debe atocigar porque Buhito es muy intenso! Jeje!😁🥰

Bueno, después de leer todo el post, yo creo que Buhito tiene más enemigos que amigos y esa amistad con el Pokémon desconocido se ve muy forzada!😄

Gracias por compartir tu linda colección de peluches, mi querida Yami! Todos son muy lindos!❤️

Como conviven, es normal que haya amistades y rivalidades, algunas llevadas al extremo jaja

jajajajja siii, la asfixia, a veces desaparece porque Buhito no le deja su espacio, pobrecito, necesita cariño 😂

No me sorprende, creo que ese Pokemon sera su proximo enemigo, no empezo muy bien la relacion y si es forazada peor 😂

Muchas gracias mi bella ❤️ tenia muchos mas, pero solo estos sobrevivieron jaja saludos emplumados 🦉

Can you give me back my stuffed animal? I knew you were planning to stay evil owl... this post shows that you don't get along with anyone and that yes, you were born crooked but you know what? I adore you... the more twisted and damned the more tender you are hahahahahahahahahahaha

Thief but of hearts!

pdta: Stop fighting with half the world. Then you complain that the birds don't love you. For some reason my life is precious

What stuffed animal? I don't know what you're talking about, they're all mine 🦉

I was born well, aunt, it's the world that has problems with me, they judge me without even knowing me (vistimo) 💔🦉

The penguin started it, I didn't do anything, he says I stole his thunder 🦉


¿Sabias que a mi me dicen Totoro? (una cosplayer famosa de argentina que somos crush mutuamente), la verdad encantadora toda tu coleccion...pero falta la Ivana alli, o cual de esos peluches la representa?.

Quiero ir a darle un hachazo! >;3

¿En serio? jaja que chido, a mi me encanta Totoro, un animalito super simpatico jaja

Ivana es el ultimo, porque era de ella y se lo robe 🦉 jajajajaja

Yes, ahora metamoslo en una camara de tortura, tengo mil cosas preparadas para ese plushie, lo primero, es que cada uno le tatuemos nuestos nombres con hachazos!. Empieza tu! >:->


Muy linda colección de búhos 🦉🦉🦉, me gustó la forma narrativa. Estupendo 👍 🦉!

Muchas gracias, me alegra saber que te gusto 🦉❤️

Yo no sé si sea un robo, al vivir en la misma casa siento que todo junto es una colección familiar prácticamente jajaja. A mí me encanta conocer a los amigos y enemigos de Buhito, ese pingüino es malo, lo recuerdo de posts anteriores. Amé tu publicación querida amiga, ya sabes que para mí eres de las mejores Hivers

Y se viene otra pelea entre ambos jajaja donde uno es la victima y el otro el victimario, quien sera quien? 😂 Buhito ya encontro con quien pelear todo el tiempo, el pinguino jajaja

Muchas gracias por la visita y los elogios, siempre es un placer leerte por estos lados emplumados ❤️🦉

Vamos a empezar por el Pokémon desconocido, se llama Glaceon y es una evolución de Eevee así que Buhito ten cuidado... o no? quizás como tiene una personalidad gruñona se pueden llevar bien mmmm eso será interesante 🧐

Los papás de Buhito están muy lindos y de verdad no tenía idea que Buhito tuviera una mente demoníaca ayyyy Diossss jajajajaja 😅... de hecho no sabía que tenía enemigos mmm tocará hacer una terapia grupal con todos para que se lleven bien 🙌😀💛

Muy bonitos todos estos amiguitos, un abrazo grandote Buhito y para tu mami también, que tengan un feliz fin de semana 💖... You Absolutely Rockkk!!! 👍😎🔥❤️

Aun no se ha mostrado señal de amistad entre ambos, despues de la foto, ambos siguieron su camino por distintos lados jajaja 😂 creo que no hay interes en nada jajaja

Buhito es la encarnacion del diablo disfrazado con una carita tierna emplumada, o al menos eso es lo que él afirma jajaja su mayor enemigo es Bizcochito y se viene otra guerra entre ellos 😂

Saludos estimado, agradezco tu visita y tu gran aporte con tu comentario ❤️ un placer tenerte por aqui 🦉 buen fin de semana!

I love stuffed animals! Yours are so cute 🥰. I used to have lots of these when I was younger and now with your post I have the sudden urge to have more hahaha

Obviously Buhito is the cutest one of all 💕

Buhito was happy because you said he is the cutest 🦉❤️

I had a lot of them too, but I don't know what happened to them haha you could have some stuffed animals, so they become Buhito's friends... or enemies, we'll see 😂

Greetings dear, thanks for visiting us ❤️🦉