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RE: Collection of books by Jules Verne that I believed to be complete!

in Hive Collectors4 days ago

Nice to see you like Jules Verne. Love the covers you showed. When I was in secondary school, I think around the time I just started, I was gifted a library card, discovered Jules Verne, and got hooked (blue covers as far as I remember). He was the sci-fi writer of his time. I loved all the books I read in his hands. But I think I left a few unread, since I don't remember reading 58 books. Must admit, all this being about 40 years ago, I can't remember any details anymore. Can't even remember most of the titles anymore. The 20.000 miles I do recollect, read that one more than once. The 28 days to the moon as well. The walk to the middle of the earth is another one I remember. But that's it mostly. Perhaps I shall follow your footsteps and get back into these books again.

Great collection share, love it!


His books had several publishers, I remember seeing some with blue covers, here they brought these that are really very nice 😍

If you have the opportunity, encourage you to read them, it is not necessary that they are all 65 books haha 😂 I got hooked haha but I recommend you some titles like The Captain Grant's children, A 15 year old captain, The mysterious island, Miguel Strogoff, they are very interesting stories and with a lot to learn about the era, his books are great and I fall in love at first sight hehe 😍

Thank you very much for your visit! ❤️

I will make sure to follow your recommendation. First step I'll take is to visit my local 2nd hand bookstore. He (well, they, elderly twin brothers owning and running it) has tons of books. Perhaps they have some nice editions.

Some of the titles you mentioned I remember, perhaps read them. Lets see where I get at.

NJOY the reading 🙂

Great! That's an excellent idea, whatever title you get, they are all great stories and I hope you can get some of them 😊 Have a nice weekend!

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