Nice to see you like Jules Verne. Love the covers you showed. When I was in secondary school, I think around the time I just started, I was gifted a library card, discovered Jules Verne, and got hooked (blue covers as far as I remember). He was the sci-fi writer of his time. I loved all the books I read in his hands. But I think I left a few unread, since I don't remember reading 58 books. Must admit, all this being about 40 years ago, I can't remember any details anymore. Can't even remember most of the titles anymore. The 20.000 miles I do recollect, read that one more than once. The 28 days to the moon as well. The walk to the middle of the earth is another one I remember. But that's it mostly. Perhaps I shall follow your footsteps and get back into these books again.
Great collection share, love it!