Have you ever walked into a library or a bookstore and felt overwhelmed by the number of books surrounding you? With so many titles, authors, and genres to choose from, it can be hard to decide where to start. Your eyes start to twitch and your heart starts to race fast. As a book lover and an avid reader, I’ve often found myself in this situation. For the first time in a while, I decided to treat myself to a new hardcover book and I did that last month. When I got to the bookstore, I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of books there that I was confused on which to take. I wanted just two books (although I ended up buying three and going home with four), and lots of books piqued my interest. It was as if they were all whispering to me to pick them. After much deliberation, I finally settled on three, and I must admit that it wasn't an easy task. So, what draws me to a particular book? In a room filled with books, what makes me pick a particular one to read first? What makes me pick it up and not drop it after reading the first few pages?
For me, the first thing that catches my attention is the title. As a writer, one of the most difficult parts when it comes to writing a book or any other literary piece is the title. Writers strive to make their titles catchy, hoping to grab the attention of their readers. While so many authors try to do this, only a few have mastered the art of creating creative and catchy titles. An interesting or catchy title can instantly grab my interest. I love titles that ask questions and make me want to find answers just by reading the titles. They make me curious to read the book. For example, “The Beautiful Ones are not yet Dead.” The first time I saw this book, I had so many questions running in my head. Why are the beautiful ones not dead? Why should they be dead in the first place? Who's trying to kill them? Are the ugly ones alive? Creative, interesting, and catchy titles are irresistible to me.
Next, another factor that piques my interest in a particular book is the cover design. On Thursday, one of my lecturers published a book and he shared the challenges he faced in publishing the book. According to him, he thought his problems were over after days of editing and reviews from other lecturers. However, another thing that gave him a serious headache was deciding on a cover design. He told us that he created 100 samples before he finally got the right one. A well-designed cover that conveys the atmosphere of the book without even opening the first page. I love covers that scream, “mystery” not just a bland one. I understand that the beauty of a book does not lie solely in the cover, but in the content, but writers should do well in creating top-class cover designs that capture readers' attention and interests.
Another factor that makes me pick up a book is the author. Similarly, the author can also be a reason why I might consider a book but ultimately decide not to read it. In my country, one of the most famous writers is Wole Soyinka. He's won many awards, including the Nobel Prize Award. Interestingly, he's the only Nigerian to have won the Nobel Prize. However, I don’t enjoy his work. I have read a few of his books and every time, I struggle to make it to the last page. His writings are just too complex for me. Every time I read his works, I ask myself this question; why do people adore his writings so much? If I walk into a bookstore and see books written by this author, I'm more likely to turn my head away from them. On the other hand, if I have read and enjoyed a particular book by a particular author, I'm more likely to pick up their next book.
What’s the first thing that catches your attention when browsing for a new book? What genre are you most drawn to?
Images in this post are mine.
Thanks for reading.
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