Good morning buzzers! I've finally beating my Thursaday record and am making my Saturday savers post on a Tuesday! Now, will i actually get around to finishing it and sharing it today? Who knows, either way the sloth is on fireeeee! Ok ok, I slothed! It's Wednesday already, Happy Hump Day!
Well, maybe he's lukewarm, but moving forward all the same! I'm currently typing up 2 other posts, whilst thinking on others...I mean, should we post one post a day? Two posts a day? As many posts as our slothly fingers will allow us to type?
That's one of the main points of my next post? My last post? I'm not sure in which order I'll get these finished and released, who knows, I might hit save draft on this one and lose it in the abyss for years to come! Those savings will truly be saved by then!
On with the saving show!
I'm forever forgetting what week we're on, luckily the SaturdaySavers make it easy for you to follow along, with a gentle reminder every week. Don't forget to comment with your progress and check up with fellow savers! Week 11's Saturdaysavers post
If like me you miss even these reminders, you can search for the # SaturdaySavers (Remember the s at the end of Savers) and find everyone else who's posted with the Saturdaysavers tag, including the Eddie-earner account with the weekly update posts.
Starting Balance:
Week 1:
HP: 7665 (2335 Needed)
SlothBuzz: 141 (59 Needed)
Last week's update:
Week 10
HP:7,846 (2154 needed / 9% achieved - 91% remaining)
SlothBuzz 159 (41 needed/ 31% achieved - 69% remaining)
Today's Update:
Week 11
HP:7,859 (2141 needed / 8% achieved - 92% remaining)
SlothBuzz 159 (41 needed/ 31% achieved - 69% remaining)
Sloth and steady wins the race, although we're 11 weeks in, and I'm still 91% off my Hive goal. I've got a lot of buzzing to do to make up the difference! Well done to all the SaturdaySavers who are hitting their goals and keeping their saving buzz alive! Don't forget you can use the #slothbuzz tag on your posts to earn a little $slothbuzz tokens! Who knows, maybe you'll have a slothbuzz savings goal next year too!
Until next time,
Savings Sloth out!