It was a very rich family where there were 3 children of an old man who was very sick but 1 of them was very humble but was despised by the two who only cared about their image, enjoying parties and never paid attention to their rich grandfather. that he loved them very much.
Only the girl who was very humble always paid attention to him and took care of him and the old man always liked to tell about his adventures at every meal and had a photo book that he always took out to tell every memory and trip they made.
The two selfish young men never paid attention to him, only the girl looked at him with her excited eyes, paying attention to every word of the old man whom she loved.
The moment came when the old man was about to die and there the selfish children were excited thinking about all the money they could earn, but the girl only cried thinking about losing her beloved grandfather.
So one day they went to the hospital in an emergency and just like that the old man died, the two selfish young people jumped with excitement thinking about all the money they would have for them to make more trips and bigger parties. Only the girl cried bitterly as she missed her beloved grandfather.
The time came to reveal the inheritance and so the selfish children were left with the houses and businesses and the girl was left with only a small house and as an inheritance that memory book with photos of her adventures. They made fun of her, thinking that she had to take care of that old man so much to have nothing.
So the girl did not complain and went to live in the house and when she grabbed the book of memories she saw a letter that was there. Grandpa told her that he left most of the money in banks and in cryptocurrencies and that he wanted to play with her something that he liked, a treasure hunt where if she paid attention to each story she would find and understand the clues by finding all the money he left. for her.
The selfish children tried to look for the money and jewelry that their grandfather had and found nothing, only a letter explaining that if they paid attention to his stories they would know where to look, but since they didn't know anything, they found themselves frustrated.
Thus, the girl began the journey, finding in every place where her grandfather told her, a buried chest that had the keys to enter the bank, where the accounts were in her name but she did not know that, and in other directions to wallets with cryptocurrencies. .
Thus she continued and continued in each part of the memories with her grandfather throughout the world, traveling for a long time, until she arrived at the last place where the old man's grave was and there was buried a large chest with all the jewels whose cost was very high.

She found a letter where her grandfather told her that he had done this because he was sure that she was the only one who truly loved him and that all the money and property was already in his name, but he knew that when he was missing she would be sad like that. When undertaking that journey he would be at her side from heaven and thus she could fight with sadness.
Thus she discovered that her selfish brothers never paid attention and only knew about business in their country, but she had many businesses in the world that she had inherited and in those chests she left the wills and papers for her to take care of since she was very She was a good student and had entered university and studied and when she left she became a great businesswoman. Over the years she went to visit her brothers since her grandfather's employees called her in desperation because the selfish young people had already ruined the companies and were trying to to sell it and all the properties.
So she, with lawyers, decided to buy all the house and business from her brothers without their knowledge and at the same time they ended up in ruin.
She always watched them closely but she let them live 2 years in misery so that they could change their lives, after they lived that time in poverty having to eat things that they would never even dream of eating before and even knowing hunger, sleeping on the floor and those who claimed to be his friends never even spoke to him again, his beautiful, beautiful and very elegant sister arrived, although speaking to him with humility and regardless of the fact that they were dirty, he picked them up from the ground and hugged them.
He told them that if they want me to give them some good life, they must study and above all, on every vacation or free day, they must read a book that he had made with their grandfather's stories and bring him every clue that would give way to a business that I would give them to manage after they graduated and thus rebuild their lives.
Thus the brothers studied and in the end were able to pay attention to those stories of their grandfather, they cried for not having enjoyed those stories of their grandfather.
After several years, the brothers graduated and finished traveling the world, so they gave their sister the last key, showing that they fulfilled their condition. Thus this family lived happily and the brothers thanked the grandfather who did not give his inheritance to them, but to his sister who made her grow up and everyone lived happily remembering that book of memories that was the treasure book and the greatest treasure was finding a happy and united family.

Era una familia muy rica donde había 3 hijos de un anciano que estaba muy enfermo pero 1 de ellos era muy humilde pero era despreciado por los dos que solo se preocupaban por su imagen, por disfrutar de fiestas y nunca le prestaban atención a su abuelo rico que les amaba mucho.
Solo la niña que era muy humilde siempre le prestaba atención y le cuidaba y el anciano le gustaba siempre en cada comida contar sus aventuras y tenia un libro de fotos que sacaba siempre para contar cada recuerdo y viaje que hacían.
Los dos jóvenes egoístas nunca le prestaban atención solo la niña le miraba con sus ojos emocionados prestando atención a cada palabra del anciano a quien amaba.
Llego el momento que el anciano ya estaba apunto de morir y allí los niños egoístas estaban emocionados pensando en todo el dinero que podían ganar, mas la niña solo lloraba pensando en que perdería a su abuelo amado.
Así un día fueron de emergencia al hospital y lamentablemente el anciano murió, los dos jóvenes egoístas saltaron de emoción pensando en todo el dinero que tendrían para ellos, para hacer mas viajes y mayores fiestas. Solo la niña lloro amargamente al extrañar a su abuelito amado.
Llego la hora de revelar la herencia y asi a los niños egoistas les dejaron las casas y los negocios y a la niña le dejaron solo una pequeña casa y de herencia ese libro de recuerdos con las fotos de sus aventuras. Ellos se burlaron de ella pensando que tanto cuidar a ese viejo para tener nada.
La niña no se quejo y se fue a vivir a la casa y al agarrar el libro de los recuerdos vio una carta que había allí. El abuelito le dijo que la mayor parte del dinero lo deje en bancos y en criptomonedas y que quería jugar con ella algo que le gustaba una búsqueda del tesoro donde si ella presto atención a cada relato encontraría y entendería las pistas encontrando todo el dinero que dejo para ella.
Los niños egoístas trataron de buscar el dinero y las joyas que tenían el abuelo y no encontraron nada solo una carta donde le explicaba que si prestaron atención de sus historias sabrían donde buscar pero como no sabían nada se encontraron frustrados.
La niña emprendió el viaje encontrando en cada sitio donde su abuelo le relataba, un cofre enterrado que tenia las claves para entrar en el banco, en donde las cuentas estaban a su nombre pero ella no sabia eso y en otros direcciones a carteras con criptomonedas, y títulos de propiedades que los jóvenes no sabían que existían.
Así ella siguió y siguió en cada parte de los recuerdos con su abuelo y sus relatos, a lo largo del mundo viajando por mucho tiempo, hasta que llego al ultimo sitio donde estaba la tumba del anciano y allí estaba enterrada un gran cofre con todas las joyas cuyo costo era muy elevado.

Encontró una carta donde su abuelo le decía que había hecho así por que estaba seguro que ella era la única que lo amaba de verdad y que todo el dinero y propiedades ya estaba a su nombre, pero sabia que cuando el faltaba ella se pondría triste así al emprender ese viaje el estaría desde el cielo a su lado y así podía luchar con la tristeza-
Asiu ella descubrio que sus hermanos egoistas nunca prestaban atencion y solo sabian de los negocios en su pais pero tenia muchos negocios en el mundo que ella había heredado y en esos cofres dejo los testamentos y los papeles para que ella se encargara ya que ella era muy buena estudiante y había entrado a la universidad estudio y al salir se hiso una gran empresaria, con los años fue a visitar a sus hermanos ya que los empleados de su abuelo la llamaron desesperados por que los jóvenes egoístas ya habían arruinado las empresas y estaban tratando de venderla y todas las propiedades.
Así ella con abogados decidió comprar todas las casa y el negocio a sus hermanos sin que estos supieran y al tiempo terminaron en la ruina.
Ella los vigilaba siempre de cerca pero dejo que vivieran 2 años en la miseria para que cambiaran su vida, después de que vivieron ese tiempo en la pobreza teniendo que comer cosas que nunca antes ni soñarían comer e incluso conociendo el hambre, durmiendo en el piso y los que decían ser sus amigos mas nunca ni le volvieron a hablar, llego su hermana bella, hermosa y muy elegante aunque hablándole con humildad y sin importar que estaban sucios los levanto del suelo y los abrazo.
Les dijo que si quieren que yo les de algo de buena vida deben estudiar y sobre todo deberán en cada vacaciones o días libres leer un libro que mando a hacer con las historias de su abuelo y traerle cada pista que le daría paso a un negocio que les daría para que administraran después que se graduaran y así reconstruir su vida.
Así los hermanos estudiaron y al final poder prestar atención a esas historias de su abuelo, lloraban por no haber disfrutado de eses historias de su abuelo.
Después de varios años los hermanos se graduaron y terminaron de recorrer el mundo así le entregaron a la hermana la ultima clave demostraron que cumplieron con su condición. Así esta familia vivio feliz y los hermanos agradecieron al abuelo que no les dio su herencia a ellos, si no a su hermana que la hiso crecer y todos vivieron felices recordando aquel libro de recuerdos que fue el libro del tesoro y el mayor tesoro fue encontrar una familia feliz y unida.