Reflections on Muddy Puddles: Reflection Hunters Contest Round 155 Entry

This is my entry to @olgavita's Refection Hunters contest Round 155

If you wish to join the contest, know more about it on this post link below

Reflections on Muddy Puddles

This is my entry

One lovely weekend, I and my husband along with our son paid a visit to the farm to see how well the piglets went and thankfully, they are doing fine despite the gloomy weather we had over the past few days before going.

The road to our farm is not concrete and due to some huge trucks that pass by on the road, some parts of it grew h oles and water got stuck.

Upon travel and my son saw the dirty waters on the road, he shouted muddy puddles! muddy puddles!! little did I knew that he knew about it on a Peppa pig show he watches on the phone.

I quickly took out my phone and snapped randomly and I was lucky my husband slowed down the motorcycle as we passed and got a beautiful picture of the puddle's reflection on the trees above.

Here are some more of the photos while traveling

My son wanted us to stop and play on the muddy puddles but we just cant since we were not on our gear to protect ourselves form mud and dirt.

But despite the muddy road we had to pass through, our travel went smooth, thanks to the strength of my husband and his wisdom in driving.

This will be all for my entry to day, thank you so much for your time and attention. Keep safe and stay happy!


It's true that nice reflections can be found nearly everywhere! Thank you being a real reflection hunter, dear @yoieuqudniram 🤗❤️.
Please don't forget to enter the contest!!!