Another question - which poll you refer to here?
Contest - Round 37 and test your hunting skills! Simply vote on the poll and win prizes!
Another question - which poll you refer to here?
Contest - Round 37 and test your hunting skills! Simply vote on the poll and win prizes!
Click on blue link to go to Guess the Shadow contest by @idea-make-rich . View segment of Shadow photo and go to poll at the end of the contest post to vote
Hint-it will be from one of the Shadow photos on my previous contest Winners post.
Question - posting in your community on ecency - where in the post do I add the usual Hive tags only? I can not find the option / field
Ecency doesn't save tags. You must enter up to 10 tags each time.
Is that what you are asking?
On the website post editor adding tags is just under where you write the post title
To choose thumbnail image or add beneficiaries go to advanced in editor.
found it but now isse, my photo I uploaded give an error - we will see - maybe i edit them then on a different UI