My entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 207

in Shadow Hunterslast month

Good day everyone!

So I had a great timing, I was wondering when the next Reflection Hunters contest would be starting, so I checked my feed to find out it had just launched 14 minutes ago 😁
I made these pictures four weeks ago but kept forgetting to enter the contest in time, so finally, here we go!

Mostly in the weekends when we stay at home but the weather is nice I go out for a walk together with my daughter, this pictures are made on one of our longer walks trough the farming fields in our neighborhood, it's the favorite route of my daughter we take when we have enough time and energy, we usually see many kinds of animals and she loved that.

This is the picture I want to enter the contest with:

2025-01-12 14.22.59.jpg

I had to hurry taking the pictures because a couple of ducks were swimming to us (you can see them close to the bridge) disturbing the still water, the sun was lovely that day, casting nice sun rays on my photo, these pictures have not been trough any kind of filter.

For context, this picture was taken about 100 meter before the picture above this one, it also has cool reflections and awesome sun rays but the old shed isn't that pretty 😁

2025-01-12 14.21.30.jpg

I hope you like them, thanks for checking this out and I hope to see you on my next post! 😀
