Shadow Hunter|| Baguio City Philippines

in Shadow Hunters10 months ago

Whats Up! Shadow Hunters! I want to share what I seen while Im in the park in the City of Pines. A pine tree that was proned and as I saw its shadow its like me!(lol)

This tree is located in the netrance of the park and the shadow is like a human shape and its like mine (lol)


Well, shadow reflects the owner and in order to have shadow, we need light to reflect in that object. Sometimes shadow confused us specially when we don't see where it came from. Depending on the angle of the source of light, it reflect different angle and shape. Just what happen to this shadow of a tree, I was confused if my shadow had blended in it. (lol)

Another shadow I catched during the day along the way going up at the Benguet Capitol. While resting in every 5 steps due to hot weather and my stomach sounds like a bomb that time, I really appreciate the Traffic enforcer that despite of hot weather and dusty road he really has to do his job.


In this situation, I realized that it is not good on complaining in just a minute of wlaking along the stairs beating the heat using umbrella. Seeing this traffic enforcer, he endure the heat just to make sure no traffic jam in the intersection area.

Good vibes!


wow the tree looks sexy lol 😊

hahaha yeah

You live in a beautiful place @jhenrw and you were able to take beautiful photographs of shadows, what a shame to see that the tree is falling

i dont remember excatly what typhoon hit our place. good to see the tree survived