This is My Entry To Reflection Hunters Contest Round 208

in Shadow Hunterslast month

Hi reflection hunter friends, how are you today? So, as usual on this day, I hope that all my friends are always in good condition and can carry out their activities well.

Some time ago I stopped at a small park, coincidentally the rain had just stopped so there were lots of small puddles in the park. The atmosphere was a bit dark because the sun was still covered by clouds. When I passed a bench I saw a little puddle of water. This made me look for a good direction to get a beautiful reflection, of course I got it straight away.

This is the beautiful reflection image that I found and I sent it here to take part in the 208th round of the reflection hunter contest.





Thank you friends who came and saw my post this time, I hope you like it.

By @dzaky12


I like the effect you achieved!

Thank you @roswelborges

a beautiful reflection, you captured it perfectly.

Thank you my friend

You're welcome @hive-179017

Good morning dear friend @dzaky12 how are you?

How great that it has stopped raining and you were able to make this beautiful collection of reflection photographs.

You are an excellent reflection hunter.

Thank you for the compliment, my friend 😉. I'm just trying to find a good spot to shoot. Have a nice day my friend.