Welcome friends to another brand new week full of activities and fun. Happy Monday and happy last week of month of February. This is my participation for the round 362 of shadow contest and the first shadow was me coming out from a market square. After buying groceries, i step out to take my leave. When i get close to the main raod, i saw this shadow of mine with a nylon containing what i have bought so far. Wow! What a great shadow. So, i quickly took my phone out of my bag and captured my shadow.
Another day, while working on a particular street, i saw this POS flex on the street. It was a sunny day and i went closer to take the picture as the shadow was reflecting on the sun 🌞.
I present to you these two shadows, hoping to present more beautiful shadows in the next round. Before then, i want to say to you all my fellow hivers, have a wonderful day,ay this week brings us joy and laughter. Amen.