Overcoming Low Self-esteem

in Hive Reachout2 months ago

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Low self-esteem is one challenge or struggle I don't wish for anyone to carry till adulthood because it can so mess you up and think everyone is against you, it can make one feel everyone hates them, and everyone is an enemy and that no one is happy or wish them well and it hikes me to see such a person or be around such a person especially an adult as I believe that as we grow, we should learn to evolve and also such kind of persons never see good in anything you say or do to them or about them, they always feel that you are doing this or that to spite them

The worst part of this all is that the person constantly thinks that advice given to them for their own is from a place of hate and they never take correction because they will always feel that your correction is from a place of pride, and you are trying to make them feel less of themselves as they think they are old enough to take care of themselves and people with low self-esteem never take responsibility for their actions, they always blame it on others and want to play the victim.

Many of us who have walked through that part and have been able to sort ourselves out, always and will always know people who have low self-esteem issues by just interacting with them and watching them closely and how they react to people who try to correct them and things around them but the sorry aspect of it all is that they may be too blinded to realize that the people around them always mean well for them and not in anyway ganging up against them or fighting them but they will never know I guess 🤷‍♀️.

The first step to " being able to overcome low self-esteem is to acknowledge"" one has low self-esteem and the second step is "the need to work on yourself to be a better person". There is something we need to understand, that there is a difference between someone who has low self-esteem and someone humble. There are cases someone could have low self-esteem issues, they are not kind or humble but many tend to mix up low self-esteem with being kind and humble which is a wrong assumption.

Low self-esteem is not considered a mental illness on its own, there can be a significant factor contributing to mental health issues like depression and anxiety, and is often closely linked to overall psychological well-being. This means that while it's not a disorder itself, it can significantly impact mental health and quality of life.

Being kind and humble emanate from the heart and we can see it in how they live their lives freely and with so much happiness but with low self-esteem case, the person in question always feels less of themselves, unworthy, they compare themselves, always speak negative, they go as far as bringing themselves low, negative talk, blame others, they are also cases of them being always desperate to prove a point, they live their lives for others and not for themselves and most times settle for anything and anybody because they feel others are doing them a favour. The few critical stages I just mentioned could lead to one with low self-esteem committing suicide or violent behaviour.

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These set of people never acknowledge they have these issues but once you know you are or someone is going through this and willing to break off, the first strategy is;

- Recognizing negative self-talk

Recognizing negative self-talk is the first step to breaking the cycle, When an individual who is set on overcoming low self-esteem becomes conscious of the toil negative self-talk has taken on them, they would begin to replace negative self-talk with positive self-talk because of how you view yourself or see yourself matters more than how others see or view you. If you constantly speak negatively about yourself, you automatically do not view yourself as worthy of good things happening to you and around you. We all deserve good things, except for most cases where life takes its turn, but it is best to quit the negative self-talk. Practice positive self-talk, see and believe in yourself that you can achieve just anything and be whomever you wish to be.

- Challenging negative thoughts

One way of practicing positive self-talk is by eradicating negative thoughts, identifying and actively replacing negative thoughts with more positive and realistic ones, use affirmations to counter self-criticism. It is not going to be an easy walk in the park, but it has to be a conscious step-by-step process, as our mouth speaks from the abundance of our hearts. So if your heart is filled with negative thoughts, you can't practice positive self-talk. So do away with things or people that could trigger negative thoughts or negative words about yourself.

- Surrounding yourself with supportive people

It is important to be intentional about the kind of people you have around you, for me, once I notice that a particular person is affecting my mental health and trying to trigger negative emotions and thoughts that could make me see people in a negative perspective, I better do away with the person. So those who are going through low self-esteem, not only need supportive people around them, but they also need those who can tell them to their faces the reality of things as most times these set of people take pleasure in blaming others for their actions rather than taking responsibility for their actions. Be conscious of spending time with supportive people who uplift you and avoid those who contribute to negative feelings.

- Take care of your physical health

Many of us do not usually take our time to take care of our physical health, like engaging in activities we enjoy, going out with friends, taking a break, and so many other activities that could lift the burdens could help us see ourselves from a different perspective and see the world from a different perspective as well. Taking care of our physical health should be a priority in our lives because it determines how we react to people and things. Getting fresh air, and a changing environment when we feel we need it is also a thing that should be taken into consideration by someone who wants to overcome low self-esteem. Prioritize healthy habits like regular exercise, good nutrition, and sufficient sleep to improve your overall well-being.

- Set realistic or achievable goals

Most people who have issues of low self-esteem constantly doubt and criticize themselves, and also compare themselves and achievements to others which is one of the reasons they lose confidence in themselves, it is important that to overcome low self-esteem, they have to learn how to start small, and real. They have to learn how to set small, realistic, or achievable goals that they can gradually achieve to build confidence in their abilities. It is a step at a time and yes it is going to be slow and small and you may lose interest but as long as it is steady, then it is a fine way of walking out of the challenge.

- Learn to focus on your strengths

We all have our weaknesses and it is okay to be there as we are humans, instead of dwelling on our weaknesses and beating ourselves over them, that energy should be put in empowering and building our strength, to be able to cover up our weaknesses. Make a list of your positive qualities and accomplishments, and actively remind yourself of them when feeling down.

Everything may not fall in place the way we need it to but we should learn to be patient with ourselves, be kind to ourselves, believe in ourselves, accept setbacks when they happen and not dwell on them or beat ourselves over them, and celebrate every win no matter how insignificant it may seem, and also learn from it, have self-compassion on yourself, make excuses for yourself.

It is okay to seek professional help when battling with low self-esteem as it not only helps you heal well and fast but it helps you become accountable not to just your friend but to a professional help who will guide you on how to take these steps slowly but boldly. Seeking therapy from a mental health professional to address the issue helps you know the coping mechanism that best works for overcoming the issue at hand and developing coping mechanisms helps you build a positive self-image through conscious actions.

This post was inspired by the #inleo community and my entry to the #Februaryinleo monthly topic on Day 2. Please check out the prompt
to get involved.

Thank you for reading!!!

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