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RE: My inner child was awakened at the fair (ENG/ESP)

in Daily Blog6 months ago

Querida @mayramalu, que alegría sentí al leer tu post, ya que me trajo recuerdos de mi infancia, viví de niña entre J y K, además ver actuar a Ana Nora calza , me hizo recordar tanto . Que bonita publicación. Creo que disfrute el recorrido tanto como tu . Feliz día 🌹🌷🌷🌻🪷🏵️💮💐🪻🌼🌸🌺🥀🍀

Dear @mayramalu, what a joy I felt reading your post, as it brought back memories of my childhood, I lived as a child between J and K, also seeing Ana Nora calza act , made me remember so much . What a lovely publication. I think I enjoyed the tour as much as you did . Happy day 🌹🌷🌷🌻🪷🏵️💮💐🪻🌼🌸🌺🥀🍀


Oh amiga me alegra mucho que hayas disfrutado la lectura y te haya traído recuerdos felices de tu infancia, yo también me divertí te deseo un lindo día🌻🤗

Oh friend I'm so glad you enjoyed the reading and it brought back happy memories of your childhood, I had fun too I wish you a nice day🌻🤗.